-: Chapter Seven:-

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( Many Hours Later )

     It's been hours since I last saw those blue optics that made my day. When we first started flying away, I saw Bumblebee get attacked by other robots. I kept screaming for Megatron to stop them. But he didn't. I started to cry when I didn't see him anymore... I-I hope he's alright. I'm scared and alone. I just wanna go back in time make it so this never ever happened.! Suddenly we start going down very fast. I screamed as Megatron transformed before we hit the ground. He caught me, but then slammed me against a rock wall. It hurt so bad. He slowly started to squish me more and more into the wall.

" S-Sto-op! N-Now-w! " I tried to yell at him.

He heard what I said and stopped. I looked at him.. into his evil red eyes.

" What do you want from me?! What hell did I ever do to you!? " I scream at him.

He just smiles at me, before he throws me into a cage.

" You'll find out soon enough my pet! " He responds to me, as he walks away.

     Why does he call me that? I'm not his pet?! I watch as he walks away, I look around at my surroundings. We were in a cove.

" I hope Bumblebee saves me... But now that I think about it he probably won't. He probably hates me, because I ran away. I lied to him. I was so mean to him. All he wanted to do was just be my friend and protect me. And I ruined that. This is probably why I get bullied so much, cause every chance I get. I just ruin it! " I tell myself out loud, as tears start running down my face.

Suddenly, I hear metal footsteps coming towards me. I look up to see Megatron and some other robot. I look at them both confused. But right as I do, I watch as smiles grow on their faces. I start feeling pain in my wrist. I rip off the wrap around my arm and see that Decepticon symbol glowing red.

"What the heck?!?" I mumble to myself.

     The pain starts going through my whole body. I scream in pain and fall to the ground. My head starts pounding and grab my head. I feel sick to my stomach. Then everything goes Black. The last thing I remember seeing is the two Decepticons walking away, and that panther one walking up to me.


Bumblebee's POV:

I lose the Decepticons and run back to where Angelina lived.

I saw that her Grandmother wasn't home yet, So I went into my holo form and wrote a letter for her.

Telling her that Angelina was Safe and with a friend.

After I wrote the letter I left it on the front porch.

I transformed into my alt mode and drove off.

I must find Optimus!

I radio called him:


"Calling Optimus."

"Optimus here"

"Optimus I need you and any other fellow Autobots down to Earth soon as possible."

" Alright Bumblebee, But what the matter? Have you found the glasses? "

" No Sir.. This is something else.. It involves Megatron.. He's here. "

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