-: Chapter Eight:-

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Bumblebee's POV:

     After I had left the call with the other Autobots, I started walking around looking at everything that was there.

I really hope Angelina is Okay.

If I get her back, wait what am I saying.!

When I get her back, I'm never leaving her again no matter what.

I need to protect her with everything I got.

     She means a lot to me, she's the second person on this planet that's actually been nice to me and wasn't scared of me.

She just reminds me so much of that little girl I first met here, when I was younger.


-=:{ Flashback }:=-

"Somone help me please! Mommy! Sarah! Josh! Where are you guys!?"

I heard a voice call from the woods, waking me up from my recharge.

I soon saw a small figure come out from some trees.

She walked her way over to my alt mode a bit frightened.

"Hello is anyone in there?" She asked as she tried to tap on a window.

I decided to help her. I opened the door for her.

She seemed a bit scared at first.

Probably because there was no one inside.

But soon enough she got in.

I closed the door behind her.

I gently wrapped the seatelt around her.

Letting her know that she was safe.

"Hello there, sweet bee. What's your name?" I asked her.

I watched as she looked around the inside of my alt modefor a moment.

She continued to sit there looking around blankly.

"The kids I hang out with call me Shrimp. But my mom calls me her little wild flower." She responds.

"W-What's your name.?" She asks me.

"Well I used to be called B-127. But my new name is Bumblebee." I tell her.

I slowly make my way to the road.

I wasn't sure on where to go.

Maybe I should ask her some questions.?

"You know that name really suits you! You look like a Bumblebe!" She told me, while she giggled.

"Ha yeah. Now that we know eachothers names why don't you tell me how you got lost? So I can help you Shrimp." I ask her, what an odd name.

"Well you see I was playing with some kids that I go to school with. We were playing hide n' seek. It was my turn to hide with a few of them and they ran into the woods really fast. So I went to follow and hide in the woods too. I couldn't find them, so I hid behind a tree. No one ever came to find them. I was trying to find my way back and I couldn't. I got really lost, I was scared that I would be lost in the woods forever. But then I found you!" She told me, as she hugged the seatbelt.

Damn thats awful, she's so sweet and kind.

If I find these kids i'm gonna teach them a lesson!

"Do you think you can show me where the play grounded was? Are your parents there?" I ask her.

-:Fading Lights-:-New Adventures:-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora