-: Chapter Eleven:-

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"Your Lucky. I didn't cause a scene today." Barricade told me, as we walked into my house.

I just walked up to my room and ignored him.

"When we go to the party tonight. You are staying with me and not leaving my side. Got it?" He added.

I just nodded and walked to my closet. I grabbed a small purse and put my wallet in it.

"I'm going out. Alone." I tell him, as I walk to the stairs.

He went to grab my arm, but I moved away. So he didn't touch me.

"I'll be fine. I'll be back soon. Why don't you just,... I don't know go recharge or something. Just leave me alone. I won't try to get the help I promise." I add as I walk downstairs.

     He didn't even reply, he just stood at the top of the stairs. I walked outside and was going to begin walking into town.

"Wait! At least let me drive you to town.!" I hear Barricade shout from behind me.

"Fine. But that's it." I reply.

     His holo form disappears and his vehicle mode drives up to me. I get in and put the seatbelt on myself. As he drives me to town I stare out the window, in silence.

( 8 Minutes Later )

We finally get to town and I get out.

"I will be right back here in an hour to pick you up, and if you're not here I will wait 30 more minutes. But by that time and you are still not here. Say goodbye to having alone time." Barricade tells me before driving off.

     I just roll my eyes and start walking to one of my favorite Cafe shops. I walked inside and I saw Sam, Bumblebee. Are you Serious?! I pulled my hood on, so they maybe wouldn't notice me. I quickly ordered a small hot chocolate and waited for it. I watched as they both sat down, but then they both started staring at me. I saw Bumblebee get up and walk over. So I quickly looked away trying to cover my face more. Then I heard my name get called and I picked up my hot chocolate. I went to quickly turn around and run out. But I bumped into someone's chest, spilling my drink on them.

"Oh My God! I am so so sorry! Here uh.. let me help you." I told the person.

     I looked up to see who it was, and I saw Bumblebee. Why!!?!?! If Barricade was here I would be dead!

"Heh, It's Fine Angelina. It's my fault anyway for walking up behind you. Here allow me. I will buy you a new drink." He replied and hopped into line.

"Go ahead and sit down with Sam I will be right over." He adds.

I hesitate, but then walk over to Sam. I sit down across from Sam.

"Hey, Sam." I greet him.

"U-uh.. um... H-Hey... Yo..! uh... W-What's a pretty thing like you doing here?" Sam responded.

"Wow, Sam looks like you haven't changed, still trying to flirt I see?" I reply.

     I stay quiet. A couple of minutes later, Bumblebee walks over with a new hot chocolate for me. I thank him and he takes a seat next to me.

"um... So are you guys going to the party tonight?" I ask them both.

"Hell Yeah!" Sam shouts a little too loud.

"heh okay. Are you guys going to be staying the night there?" I add.

"Yeah, we are. Uh.. um... So Angelina... Does Barry live near you or something? Cause I saw that he Ummm... gave you a ride after school." Bumblebee asks me.

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