Chapter one

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*Crystal POV




"Crystal!!!!" my professor screamed

"Huh?!?" I snapped

"Ms.myers this is the second time you fell asleep in my class!" She says

"I'm sorry I'm trying professor white"

"One last time and I'm going to sent you out of here and you will end up loosing this class" she scolds

"Bitch whatever" I said in my head

My name is crystal supreme Myers.No I ain't related to no Michael Myers or some shit so don't think that.Im about 5'2 , midgit size I like to call it cause I wanna be taller.I have long curly black hair, brown eyes, and is in college for medical degree for being a doctor.Its my first year and as you can see I'm starting it off kinda bad. You see I have a backround.My mom and relatives didn't want to give me any money to work off my intuition so I had to get up and do it on my own.Theres this place called show palace I work at from 8pm-4am. My college classes are from 9am-3pm. it's a lot but I'm doing it all for me and my 3 year old niece Naomi. I'm a stripper but I've been stripping way before I took Naomi into my care.I started it in mid summer and Naomi came along in September and now it's sister died due to a brutal murder.September 23 2013. it sucks cause Naomi isn't going to have much to remember her mom by, but I know I have to he the best danm aunt to her so she can have a future.

The bell ring and class is over with

I grabbed stuff headed out to the front

"Hey girly" my friend Camille whips by.

"Hey" I said

"What's wrong?"

"Just tired and stressed"

"College shit? ugh I hate that, that's why I didn't go cause it's so much" she says

"How's your job ?"

"It's crazy, it's insane every night.I mean your the only person that knows I strip, and all but it's pretty good it's making ways for me and Naiomi" I say

"And how come you won't tell your parents?"

"They wouldn't understand.My mom is so religious she would probably try to burn me.I asked her to pay for my intuition she told me no because that's not what she wanted me to be.She wanted me to go to church school or whatever you call it and study to be something involved with our religion but I didn't want that. so she denied it.If I tell her I'm stripping to work off my intuition she is going to go crazy , plus I got Naiomi in my hands, not saying I don't want her but, Im making ways for us" I say

"And that's why I respect you" she huggs me

"But guess what?!?" she squeals


"Tomrrow is your day off right?"

"Yeah my only day off" I say

"Ok I have two tickets to an august Alsina concert, you should come!" she says

I sighed

"Who is gong to look after naiomi?" I asks

"Your mom can't she?"

"For a concert? pshhh hell no, look Camille thanks for the offer but I should get going" I say

"Ok but if you change your mind, I'm one phone call away" she says happily

"Ok girl, bye" I hugged her and got in my car

I headed over to day care to go pick up my niece Naomi

I walked inside and she was sitting at the table by herself, coloring

She was so adorable, like she couldn't hurt a fly

"Nai!!" I called

She looked up with a huge smile and ran and hugged me

I picked her up put her on my hip and and walked over to the table she was coloring

She was really intelligent. really, really , really intelligent. the smartest one out of her whole class

"Hi. mrs.myers" her teacher mrs.Tina comes up

"Hi" I shake her hand

"Nai did really good today, she did all her assignments and she participated in every activity, but mrs. Myers if you could just get Nai to interact with people more maybe establish a play group that would be good" she's ays

"Naomi don't interact with others?" I asks

"No.... I try to get her to but she always end up wondering back by herself and it really scares me" she says

"Just please if you can, with her mom death and all i know it's hard on her, but please it's best she socializes" she says

I nodded and grabbed her backpack and lunch box,told mrs.tina goodbye and we left

We got home and settled in until I had to go to work.

I played with Naomi for a bit then got her stuff together and dropped her off to my mom house.

My mom knows the drill, she knows the plan. there's no need to conversate or negotiate on it. the only thing she doesn't know is I strip. I just tell her that I have night medical school. lieng to my mom isn't the best thing but at the same time she wouldn't understand my hustle and grind. she wouldn't even HELP pay my intuition for medical school.

I headed to magic city and clocked in about 8:05 p.m

Rock gon deduct my money cause of my tardiness.

I hit the locker room, got dressed and hit that stage

This is my life....


*August POV

I was on my plane headed to my hometown downtown in New Orleans. That's where I was born and raised and it's nice to come home and put it down for my city.

I'm one of the newest artist out here in the music industry. I know i got a lot to show to New Orleans and other cities.

My flight landed and it was time to head to my hotel

The atmosphere isn't different at all since I've been out here. it's the same. I feel like I'm breathing my own blood.

I know my city proud and honored of me. It's time to show my gratitude.

It feels good to be here

Let's get it

Okay so I'm trying a celebrity love story. it's something I've been wanting to do and waited a good while and here it is. I plotted it out and everything and I can't wait till it's starts popping off. ITS NOTHING LIKE BAD. just because there's a stripper involved it's just a different a story.

But if you don't like it , you don't have to read, i understand and if you do or is looking forward to it then thank you and I promise you won't regret it.

Please if you can, vote,comment, and follow

~xoxoxo Tyvia

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