"Sorry D, there's nothing here of great significance," you replied as your eyes scanned the documents displayed on your screen. 

"Accardo. Why is that name so familiar?" Dick though aloud.

"Here, I think I've found something. The victim's brother, Anthony Accardo was recently released from Blackgate, after only serving two weeks of a sentence that should have lasted ten years. He was a member of a criminal group called the 'Blüdhaven Six'. Have you heard of them?"

"No, they must have kept a low profile while Blockbuster and Black Mask were competing to rule the criminal underworld. How does this link with the other victims though?"

"Lisa Mendes' fiancé, Robert Lund  visited Accardo twice while he was imprisoned-"

"The killer must be targeting the close ones of the members of the Blüdhaven Six. Can you get me Lund's address?"

"It's 102 Morris Avenue."

"Thanks babe, speak to you soon."

You watched as the small glowing red dot quickly moved its way across the city to the given location.

You lowered the volume of your earpiece as Dick violently interrogated the new lead, and you tried to make yourself useful as you looked further into the histories of the other victims, trying to make more connections to the Blüdhaven Six. As you dug deeper into the dark web, you realised that the Blüdhaven Six ran a low-key drug and weapon dealership in the city, however since both Blockbuster and Black Mask were incarcerated,  they have been expanding their operations. 

"Hey (Y/N), mind calling the BPD to that address? Turns out Lund has been up to some super illegal stuff."

"Yeah, of course. What did he say?"

"The Blüdhaven Six stole a shit-tonne of money from Black Mask once he was put out of the picture and they took over some of his operations. So, naturally, Black Mask hired an assassin to kill their families from prison. Only one member of the gang is left unharmed, Antony Kincaid. Find who may be the assassin's next target based on his family members etc."

"Okay," you quickly typed in the name and scanned through your databases. "Here, his mother, but she lives with his ex in Coast City."

"Accardo was only killed earlier this evening, there wouldn't be enough time to travel across the country."

"Yeah, you're right, give me a minute." It took a couple of minutes of frantic typing but you found the birth record of his daughter dated fourteen years ago. "He has a daughter, she was put into foster care after her mother died from addiction and her father was ruled unfit for parenting after his involvement with gang violence."

"Sounds like a perfect target for sending a message. Let's just hope that I can get there in time."

An hour had passed before you heard his voice again. "Turns out, Black Mask had Deadshot on his payroll; he's being transported to Blackgate now."

"Another point scored for the good guys. Tell me you're coming home." You tiredly demanded.

"I'll see you soon. I love you." He disconnected his comms.

 The sound of your heart drumming in your chest filled your ears and your face quickly grew hot. I love you. You have always been a firm believer in actions speaking louder than words but the sound of those words smoothly rolling off Dick's lips left a burning sensation in your core and a smile that could not easily be wiped away.

You changed into your favourite Blüdhaven PD shirt, which was now so overworn the cheap, scratchy cotton felt like a smooth silk. Its scent was the perfect blend of that of you and Dick, as you made him wear it from time to time in order to maintain the perfect equilibrium. 

You were half-asleep by the time Dick joined you in bed, he loosely wrapped his arm around your torso and left small kisses on the back of your neck. The shiver that rippled through your spine fully awaked you. You turned to face him and greeted him with a small kiss.

"I didn't mean to wake you." He spoke softly.

"I wasn't asleep."

He nuzzled into your neck and took a long, exaggerated sigh.

"Is there something on your mind, Birdboy?"

"I just told my girlfriend that I loved her but she didn't say it back," he sighed.

You rolled him over so you were straddled on top of him, his shoulders trapped between your arms. Your hair fell onto his face, making him gently stroke the locks behind your ears. You softly kissed Dick's pouted lips, and watched as the corners of his mouth slowly upturned. Your thumb stroked the highest point of his defined cheekbones, tracing a small scar which was only visible when looking closely. You admired his face, the unevenness in his jaw due to the years of the fight, the volume and length of the eyelashes you were ever so envious of, and his dilated sapphire eyes.

"I love you." You whispered subconsciously; though you meant every word.

Dick ran his hands through your hair until he reached the back of your head and gently lowered your lips to meet his. 

"I know. I just like to hear you say it." You didn't open your eyes but you could feel his smirk on your lips. 

You chuckled into the kiss, then rolled over so Dick's arm tightly held your back against his chest, and buried his head in the crook of your neck. His hand was placed over yours, you intertwined your fingers and kissed his newly bruised knuckles goodnight. 

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