Chapter 16

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Sorry for the LONG update enjoy guys! XX Picture on the side I photoshopped


“Titanic!”Niall complained.

“Skins marathon!” Zayn pleaded.

“Star Wars!” Liam chanted.

“The Notebook!” Eleanor yelled.

Everyone was shooting back movie ideas to everyone. As soon as we made it to the movie theater, the workers were worried that we would distract too many fans so they gave us a whole empty room where we can choose any movie to watch. I shook my head silently as everyone fought on what to watch.

“Zombieland!” Harry yelled.

“I agree.” Some people muttered.

“No. I hate scary movies.” I said taking my side.

“Well it’s eight to one so I think we have a winner guys!” Louis yelled as he went up to the movie worker to tell them our choice of film as we scattered around the empty theater for seats. Cher and Niall took the dead front row, they seemed to love horror films as Louis and Eleanor sat in the very back. Liam and Danielle took a seat on the side which left Harry, Zayn, and I to sit in the dead middle. Each boy sat on one side of me and as the opening credits started coming up I gripped onto both hands on either side.

“I heard this is a funny movie Alex.” Zayn said.

“Well if the title has the word zombie in it I doubt that.” I whispered back to him.

When the movie ended I sighed in relief. The movie was quite practical but every time a zombie came out of nowhere a scream would come out my mouth and the others laughed at me.

“Boo!” I heard as a scream escaped my mouth. As I turned around to see a laughing Louis, I punched him in the shoulder quite harshly.

“Louis that’s not funny!”

“If I was a real zombie do you think I would say boo before I eat your brains?”

“He has a point.” Eleanor said while laughing at her boyfriend.

“You guys it could happen! My dad use to tell me that with the right atmosphere and perfect timing zombies can exist!” I said.

“Are you really scared?” Danielle said.

“Maybe.” I said looking at the ground awkwardly.

“You should stay over my place tonight then! This can be so fun! You live by yourself right? We can head over now and you can borrow my clothes that way in the morning we can go to the airport together.” Eleanor clapped excitedly.

“Yah I live by myself but wait,” I paused. “Why do you have to go to the airport?” I asked confused.

“The boys didn’t tell you?” she said even more confused than me. I looked around at the boys for answers as they stood around avoiding my eye contact.

“We were going to tell you.” Harry said next to me.

“We just didn’t get around to it.” Zayn finished for him.

“We leave for Sweden tomorrow.” Liam answered me.

“What?” I said. My friends, were leaving me? After a great day and even with all of the paparazzi and fan chases it still managed to slip my mind that my friends were famous pop stars.

“Sweden has really good recording studios so we have been planning to record our next album over there.” Liam replied.

“How long?”

“A month.” Niall said. I looked at the boys in front of me and I couldn’t believe it. A whole month without them…

“Danielle and Eleanor are coming with us and then Cher goes back on tour soon so she is headed to America to shoot her new music video.” They continued to say as the news got worse and worse.

“I’m going to miss you guys so much.” I said. I could feel them one by one pulling me into a hug as I moped about the rest of the night. It seemed weird for me and everyone else didn’t act the same as well. As mentioned before I did decide to stay over at Eleanor’s. I wanted to bond more with her and I really wanted to say bye to them.

“So how do you handle the fans?” I asked Eleanor as we walked through the door of her little one story flat.

“Well Danielle and I really don’t handle them at all. They ask us for pictures and we just deny it nicely.”

“You deny them?”

“Yah don’t you?”

“I didn’t want to seem to mean.”

“No the fans are really understanding of our privacy.” She said. “Are you hungry?”

“No, I’m still full from dinner.”

“Well if you head up to my room I have a draw full of clothes I usually lounge around in so you can take a pair of those and take a shower while I use the other bathroom.” She said smiling.

“Thanks.” I said to her.

I stepped out of the bathroom running a hand through my wet hair as I made my way to the bedroom.

"El you in here?" I said.

"Yup." She said lying down with her chin on her hands as she watched the television screen in front of her.

"Aww I love your penguin trousers." I said.

"Thank you." She said blushing as she looked down at her attire. As I sat down on the bed I shivered a little. Even with the heater on it the flat I could still feel the cold wind seeping through the windows.

"Here’s a hat and blankets." She said as she handed me a cute, fluffy white hat as she scooted over and I went under the blankets with her.

"So what’s on?" She said as she spoke to herself as she flipped through the different channels.

Sleepover time with my new friend @EleanorJCalder <3 I said as we took a picture together and I sent my tweet.

We had finally settled on an old romance movie from the 50s that I forgot the title from as I felt my lids begin to droop.

"How did you and Louis meet?" I asked curiously.

“I’m actually an old friend of Harry’s and he set me and Louis up on a blind date. But, I will tell you the whole story another time since we have to get up early tomorrow." She said as she shut off her television and clutched more onto the blankets as I re-adjusted my pillow.

"Thanks Eleanor." I said smiling at her.

"No problem. I feel like we are going to be great friends." She said as she turned off the bedside lamp and we went to sleep.

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