Chapter 15

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 Niall and Cher st the side bar


After much hustle on what I would wear to meet Danielle and Eleanor, I finally settled on a pair of jeans, with brown boots and a leather jacket. I also put on a little makeup after I searched online of what Danielle and Eleanor looked like. They were completely gorgeous and there was not one flaw in sight.

As I exited the taxi in front of the café all I saw were bright lights being flashed in my face. That meant only one thing, the boys were already here. I pushed my way through the crowd and at the entrance one of the guards saw it was me and let me through. I suddenly let out a huge breath as I made it in.

“I’m alive.” I muttered to myself.

“Thank God you’re ok! I thought you would be ripped to shreds!” Zayn said hugging me.

“Hello Zayn and I’m fine.” I said hugging him back. “And Nialler how are you?” I said hugging my favorite Irish boy.

“Good but hungry.” He said hugging me as well.

“Oh you must be Alex!” I heard. I turned around to be quickly engulfed in a friendly hug. “I’ve heard so much about you.” She said smiling as she pulled away. “I’m Danielle.” I looked at the pretty girl in front of me and felt totally under-dressed. Even in Danielle’s leggings and jacket she looked like a runway model as her tight curls bounced around as she talked.

“Hey I’m Eleanor.” The girl behind her said smiling as she gave me a hug too. Eleanor’s voice sounded more reserved and her long waves of brown hair were tamed to perfection as her crisp white shirt was tucked into jeans and white tennis shoes.

“You are so pretty!” Eleanor said gleaming.

“I was just about to say that to you two!” I said blushing. They were so sweet and as Liam and Louis walked over to their girlfriend’s sides I could see why they picked them. They looked like “the” perfect couples and I could tell from the way they looked at each other that they loved each other so much.

“So I see you guys are getting along.” Liam commented as he kissed Danielle on the cheek.

“Well we were until you boys had to interrupt our conversation.” Eleanor said as she lightly punched Louis as he faked sadness.

Suddenly more paparazzi attacked someone and more screams were heard.

“What’s with all of the commotion?” Harry said from behind me. When did he get there?

“I invited Cher since you all brought your girls around and I didn’t want to be alone.” Niall commented.

“Great what about me Niall?” Zayn said.

“It’s fine Zayn. We will be the three amigos.” I said laughing.

As soon as she walked in she scanned the café until her eyes met with Niall’s. She immediately dove towards him and he picked her up as they spun around laughing.

“I’ve missed you lad!” Cher said.

“Miss you too; I haven’t seen you for months.” Niall said placing her back down. Cher walked towards us with a graphic tee, leggings, and combat boots while her hair was shaved on one side as her locks of dark hair cascaded down the other side.

“Hey Boys.” She said waving to the group like family.

“Hi Cher.” Danielle said. “This is Eleanor and this is Alex.” Danielle said introducing us as we both smiled politely at her. I guess they had already met before.

“Can’t we talk after you guys? I’m starving!” Niall said to the group.

“Niall you had chips on the way here.” Liam pointed out.

“And your point is?” he said shaking his head. Louis shook his head at the boy as we all proceeded to stand in line while the other waiting for their order and gathered tables together to fit all of us.

“Can I please have a vanilla latte with extra whip cream and a chocolate cake?”

“That will be three pounds.” The girl said.

“I’ll pay.” Zayn said.                           

“Zayn I’m fine, its three pounds I think I can handle myself.” I said smiling at the boy as I handed over the money. “Thank you.” I said kissing him on the cheek.

“No problem.” He said averting his eyes to the floor.

“Hey where is my kiss?” Harry said next to me pouting.

“Oh my boys what would I do without you?” I said ruffling Harry’s curls and kissing him on the cheek as well.

After getting my order I sat next to an enthusiastic Danielle as she patted the seat next to her.

“So are you crushing on any of the boys yet?” she said smirking as she sipped her coffee as Eleanor listened from across me and Cher rose an eyebrow as she awaited my answer.

“I don’t know. Like before I met them I was literally “in love” with all of them but now since we are friends I just feel like family to them.”

“That was some serious bullshit.” Cher said laughing hysterically as some of the boys looked at her for her choice of words.

“I’m not lying.” I said sipping some of my latte as I licked my lips as I felt the whip cream move across my face.

“You got something.” Harry said as he wiped my lip with his finger and licked his thumb filled with the whip cream previously on my face.

I just nodded my head at the boy as he sat down next to me.

“So what are you birds chirping about now?” he said.

“Oh nothing.” Eleanor said innocently.

“Why is it when you say that El you look completely innocent but I know you are hiding something?” Harry questioned.

“Hey don’t question my girl! She could never do any harm.” Louis said wrapping an arm around Eleanor.

“Boo bear you know I love you.” Harry said smirking.

“I know.” Louis said smiling back. I looked over at what Harry was eating and suddenly didn’t feel in the mood for my cake.

“Hazza can I have some of that cinnamon bun?”

“No.” he bluntly replied.

“Why not? You can have a bite of my chocolate cake.” I said hoping to reason with him.

“Here.” He said taking a chunk with his fork and pushing it towards my mouth. I opened up wide as I waited for the dessert and as it made contact with my mouth I bit down on the fork.

“That tastes like heaven.”

“Yup should have got this.”

As we all talked through the span of an hour we thought it best we all saw a movie in a theater nearby. After I finished my cake I regretted not getting the cinnamon bun. Its mouthwatering taste was still in the back of my throat.

“So tell me I’m your favorite.” Zayn said as he walked next to me.

“And why should I?”

“Because I just bought you a cinnamon bun.” He said holding the to-go bag in his hand.

“You’re my favorite!” I practically screamed as I reached for the bag as Zayn put the bag behind his back as I attempted to reach for it. Then he placed it over his head and even with my great jumping efforts he was still taller than me and I could never reach it.

“Please Zayn!”

“Here, your welcome.” He said smiling as he kissed my forehead and I opened the bag to start chomping on the delicious pastry.

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