Chapter 6

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HELLOOO!!!! Another update!! you know you love me :) picture on the side is what was posted on twitter


“Ow! Where am I?” I muttered rubbing my head.

“Sorry I didn’t see that lamp over there.” Harry said sheepishly as he placed me on a sofa and sat next to me as he passed me my Big Mac and fries.

“Aww I see the princess is awake! Did you show her the picture?” Niall said.

“What picture?” I said as Harry got out his phone and logged on to twitter as he showed me a picture of Liam and me sleeping on top of each other.

“You posted it?”                         

“I couldn’t help it, it was adorable.” He said with food in his mouth.

“I told him not to.” Zayn said as he came in and plopped down on my other side.

“Well obviously you didn’t convince him enough.” I said as I dug into the delicious, greasy burger.

“So what movie are we watching?” Louis said coming in and sitting on the pile of blankets on the floor.

“I think we are watching “No Strings Attached.” Niall replied.

“Start the movie already!” Liam said as we all finished our food, turned off the lights and settled in for the movie.

I shivered lightly as a surge of bliss shot through my body as I looked down from the corner of my eye to see a hand lightly tracing the side of my stomach and I followed the arm to Harry’s body. It felt great and I didn’t stop him and he didn’t seem to realize he was doing so as his eyes were intent on the movie. But, on the other side of me I could feel someone’s eyes on me and I could see Zayn shooting glances at me every now and then as his fists were closed next to him.

“Are you ok Zayn?” I whispered to him so I wouldn’t disturb anyone else.

“Fine.” He said in a somewhat aggravated tone. I let it go though, not wanting to get into anything while watching the movie.

When the movie finished I stretched and a huge yawn escaped from my mouth.

“What time is it you guys?” I muttered.

“Around  11pm.” Liam said.

"Crap." I muttered as I ran around the living room in search of my clothes, shoes and bag.

"What’s wrong?" Niall said.

"I'm so tired and it’s an hour drive back home, so if I leave now and pick up coffee on the way I should be good." I said. Where was my damn stuff?

"You can just stay over and leave in the morning. I wouldn't want any reckless driving going on." Liam said.

I stopped my searching at what he said and raised an eyebrow.

"Really? You would do that?" I asked surprised.

"Of course." Liam said smiling. I let out a huge breath and gave him a huge hug. I whispered a "thank you" to him and he nodded to me.

"Yay slumber party!" Louis yelled. I laughed and gave him a hug as well.

"So where will I sleep?"

"You can take my bed and I will sleep on the couch." Liam said. He really was the nice and considerate one of the group. "And then I guess one of the boys can give you their clothes to sleep in."

"C'mon." Zayn said as he brought me into a room.

"This is where you will be sleeping and here are some clothes." He said as he rummaged through a draw and gave me a large hoodie, and sweat pants. "There mine, so they are clean. The other boys tend to sleep in whatever they want, clean or not." He said laughing.

"Thanks." I said to him.

"So it’s fine that we are sleeping in the same bed right?"

"Wait what?"

"Yah Liam shares a bed with me, Harry and Louis share a room, and Niall gets his own since he takes the bed sheets when someone stays with him. So Liam is on the couch now."

"Oh." Was all that came out of my mouth? I would be sharing a bed with Zayn Malik. The boy that almost every girl in the world wanted. "I guess that’s fine." I said. "Do you know where the bathroom is?"

"Down the hall, second door on the left, and there are extra toothbrushes in the cabinet." Zayn said before I left toward the bathroom to change and brush my teeth for bed.

I walked back to the living room fully clothed and my hair in a messy bun on my head.

"Goodnight everyone." I said smiling at the boys. They each gave me a hug, for they were going to stay up longer, and Harry kissed me on the cheek.

I dove into the comfortable bed sheets that smelled of the Bradford Bad Boy and fell into a deep slumber as my mind dreamed up of the day’s events.

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