Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

I have some nagging scruples that she'd rather be rescued by anyone other than me.

That's where Marc comes in. He openly admits his feeling for her and he's competition that I'd love to get rid of.

Too bad he's Audra's lifeline. But he's not mine...except for those damn dogs! I had to kick the shit out those beasts just to get them off my arms and legs.

They'll be downright terrifying when they're full grown.

No matter how much I try to focus on getting Audra to safety, my mind wanders right back to Marc.

I don't wanna ask him the inevitable question, but I just have to know.

"Hey Marc?" Fuck! That needle fucking stabbed me when his arm moved. Probably to look up at me.

"How can I assist you now?" His words ooze with sarcasm and a bit of disdain. I don't need this metrosexual narcissist!

"How do you feel about Audra?" Up until now, his large hands had my leg in a vise grip. But when Audra was brought up, his touch became tender and loving.

Thought I can't see, I imagine that doe-eye look on his face with hearts circling around.

Bad sign number one. He lets out a deep sigh and I prepare to hear the inevitable.

"Not that you'd know anything about treating a woman right., but I care for her deeply. At first I thought it was because she was something I've never seen before besides on porn"

This fucker. He continues.

"But her passion, strength, and loving personality have me speechless. I've always been a womanizer to some extent, yet when I saw her that first day in those lavender scrubs, I knew I she was something special. I'm so sorry that she lost Leo. I'm sorry I lost him as well- he was my bestfriend."

I hear his words begin to become strained and I know he's fighting back tears. Tears that he'll openly she'd for Audra and similar to the ones that leaked when she mourned for Leo. But I have yet to give anyone besides Bella my all.

Bad sign number two.

There's a few minutes of silence until I hear him clear his throat.

"But when we get her back home, and we WILL, I'm going to make sure she knows that I'm here for her. Anytime or anywhere I'll be there when she needs me. And if it's meant for us to be together, I certainly will be thanking God forever."

Bad sign number three, I'm screwed.

By the end of his words, he's cleaned up the wounds and have bandages them.

Besides a thank you, I don't say anything to him because the love and dedication in his voice is something I haven't given anyone but Bella and my family.

What is wrong with me?

I hear Marc's footsteps become faint and Dani's heavy ass footing come towards me.

"Dude those dogs got you! But so did I!" She howls with laughter. She's lucky I wouldn't hit a woman.

"Whatever. How's the progress?"

"All of of the ammunition and bulletproof cars are in place. We'll be finished tracking Audra in five minutes and her siblings are en route."

"But what are we going to do about the money?" I don't have a will!

"I'll take care of it. You actually have a will but no one can locate it's last known location or notaries. I had some friends look it up..." Marc interrupts and says.

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