Chapter 4. Troll in the dungeon.

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Catherine pov.

"Now class remember the nice wrist movement we practised, then repeat after me 'wingardium leviosa'" Professor Flitwick said.

Everyone started but I thought it was quite boring, I was sitting next to Hermione and saw Ron trying but he was pronouncing it wrong

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Everyone started but I thought it was quite boring, I was sitting next to Hermione and saw Ron trying but he was pronouncing it wrong.

"No, no, you're going to take someones eye out, it's not leviosar, it's laviOsa" Hermione said holding his wand.

"No, no, you're going to take someones eye out, it's not leviosar, it's laviOsa" Hermione said holding his wand

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"If you're so clever then why don't you try" Ron said clearly annoyed.

Hermione looked at me then we said insinc "wingardium laviosa"

Instantly our feathers flew up and Professor Flitwick turned to us

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Instantly our feathers flew up and Professor Flitwick turned to us.

"Look everyone, Miss Granger and Miss Campbell have done it" everyone looked at us and I just smiled at Hermione.

I walked out of class with Harry, Ron, Seamus and a few other Gryffindors,
Hermione told me to leave since she wanted to ask the professor some questions.


"It's laviOsa not Laviosar, no wonder she has no friends, she's a nightmare" Ron said while everyone snickered.

"Look Ron.." I was gonna scold him but then Hermione zoomed past us.

"I think she heard you" Harry said.

I glared at Ron "I'm her friend, her best friend" I said and ran after Hermione.

I looked everywhere when I finally heard some soft cries from the girls bathroom.

"Mione, Mione I know you're in there"

"Go away Rosie"

"Please come out Mione, talk to me"

When she refuse to let me in, I just crawled into the stall.

"He's right you know, I'm a know it all, and I don't have any friends"

"Yeah and I'm a potato, Mione we've known each other since kindergarten, you have no idea how proud I am to call you my best friend" I hugged her
"Don't you ever think you're alone, I'll always be here for you mione, Always"

"Thankyou Rosie, and I'm really sorry, I made you miss the Halloween feast" Hermione said looking sad.

"Its alright, I have candy we can share, and besides it wouldn't really be enjoyable without having you there to tell me stupid facts"

She laughed and hugged me again.

We finally came out of the stall and were going to go to our dormitory but something particular made us stop.

"Rosie can you see what I'm seeing"

"Yes mione yes I can"

We screamed when the troll started breaking the bathroom stalls and rubble went everywhere.

"Hermione, Catherine" we heard Ron and Harry screaming.

The troll was about to crush us with its club when I finally realized what was happening, I pulled Hermione and put the force field up.

The club hit the force field but didn't do any damage, the troll kept hitting it when Harry suddenly jumped on its back and put his wand in its nose.

"RON DO SOMETHING" me and Harry and Hermione yelled,

"What do I do"

"Swish and flick" I yelled at the same time Hermione said "Wingardium laviOsa".

"Wingardium laviOsa" Ron said and the trolls club flew up, then it suddenly fell down on his head and knocked him out.

I let go of the force field and we walked up to him,

"Do you think its dead" Ron said

"No just knocked out" Harry replied taking his wand out of its nose.

Professor Mcgonagall walked in "Goodness, Explain yourself all of you this instant"

We were going to speak when Hermione suddenly said "It was me Proffesor, I had read about trolls and thought I could handle it, but I was wrong, if Harry, Rosie and Ron weren't here then I would've been dead"

I was gonna interrupt her but she held my hand and gave me a look,

"I did not expect that from you Miss. Granger 5 points will be deducted from Gryffindor".

Then she looked at us "As for you three, five points will be given to each for sheer dumb luck"

We looked at each other and smiled then I saw Professor Snape who had a claw mark on his leg which he quickly hid with his robe.

Apparently I wasn't the only one that had noticed as Harry looked at me and we both knew what the wound meant.


Me and Hermione soon left to our dormitory and sat down for a minute.

"Well that was..."

"Bloody horrifying" I finished for her.

I took out some candy and gave it to her, while looking at a picture of my mom.

I took out some candy and gave it to her, while looking at a picture of my mom

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"Why is she all bloody in this picture" Hermione said looking at it.

"It was taken right after my mom and dad had a duel in Hogwarts, apparently being in love didn't mean they'd go easy on each other, and my dad thought she looked pretty so he took a picture" I smiled at it.

"I miss my parents and your parents" Hermione said.

Mine and her parents were good friends considering we were and me and Hermione had many sleepovers at my house so she knew my parents very well.

"I miss everyone back home too" I said.

"Now let's go to sleep, three headed dog, a troll I don't know what's next" I said getting into my bed.

"Hopefully a butterfly" Hermione replied.

I laughed "Goodnight mione"

"Good night Rosie, by the way I love you"

"You know I love you too" i replied before falling asleep.

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