Chapter 28

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Phoenix gives the boy a slight bow, "Hello Soul, been a while" Soul immediately marches over standing head to head with the stranger.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Soul said angrily.

"Had to be sure you guys were okay, the fight didn't end to well back at the mountain"

"Well we're fi-" Stein suddenly appeared in the commence searching for someone, when his eyes locked on SOul he ran over not even paying attention to the tall stranger standing with him.

"Soul, you need to come with me" He said before rushing back down the hall. Soul made one last glance at Phoenix before dashing after the doctor. Phoenix stood there silently before disappearing into the crowd and walking down the opposite hall.

SOul and Stein stopped at a hospital door, Soul stood in the doorway as Stein ran inside. A team of doctors and scientists stood around Maka lying limply in the bed, hooking her up to machines and injecting her with different substances.

SOul felt his eyes begin to water as he gripped the corner of the wall leading into the hall. He held it so tight, he could feel splinters in his hand. But right was better feeling physical pain that what he was feeling right then and there staring at his partner.

The doctors began talking loudly but all Soul could concentrate on was Maka, her lips were blue. Not just alight shade, but skipping the color wheel and going straight to the dark shade you see on blueberries.

Suddenly as if it was all some sort of nightmare, Maka's body began to shake frantically.

"Whats going on, whats happening!" Soul shouts to Stein.

"She's going into shock-" But as soon as he said it, her body dropped back onto the bed quiet and still. Soul's heart began to race and pump against his chest.

The room goes silent, or maybe it was just Soul. Their mouths were moving, but no sound came out. He could only hear one sound that he only heard in his nightmares, the one sound that scared a child straight into tears. The sound that could easily kill Soul where he stands.

The sound of the line on the computer screen going straight.

The sound of Maka's heart stopping.

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