Chapter 6

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Soul laid his head against the cool grass, staring up at the dark night sky. Phoenix had left him maybe a couple hours ago, and still hasn't came back. And all Soul could do...was lay down, and wait for him to come back with Maka's corpse. He slowly lifted himself up, and sat up off the grass. He turned his head left and right, after checking that no one was around, especially Phoenix, he pushed off the ground, a pain ran up his spine, but that didn't stop him from getting to his knees. He held his breath as his arms pushed again. He sat up off the ground and onto his feet.

He took a step forward, he could feel his body start to grow heavy, and in seconds he would be back on the ground. He was right...his legs buckled and collapsed from right beneath him. "Dammit..." He muttered under his breath. He looked up at the mountains in the distance. "Maka..." He lifted up again, his foot went flat on the ground, then the other. He pushed up...and roase off the ground. Soul took a step forward, then another, then another until he was walking.

Soul walked for a while, not really sure where he was going, since he didn't know where he was in the first place. His eyes everted away from the ground and up to the sky. The sun was just beginning to sink down pass the earth, meaning he had been walking for a while. 

Every step he took, a seering pain ran up his leg, through his back, and into is head..but if he stopped...then Maka...Maka...

"Soul....Soul..." Her voice slowly echoed through her head. The warm blood slowly dripping don her cheeks, mixing with tears. She tilted her head to the side and looked at the chain tying her to the cold wall. She looked down, at her limp feet, just...dangling. A cold breeze hitting her bare stomach every time she breathed.

The room was surprisingly empty...when only a little while ago this room was filled with hooded figures, just...watching...her get torn to pieces...only to be put together again. A tear fell onto the floor, the last tear...Maka's eyes began to swell as her throat became dry. She closed her eyes knowing that she can cry no more..only wait...and hope. 

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