Chapter 27

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A lonely stranger walks along the walk down the alleyway. His shadow going left to right as he one foot steps down and the other slightly rises. He was approaching the scool, and the storm seemed like it was getting worse for every step he took. He pulled his hood tighter onto his head as the wind picked up. 

Thats when he smelled it...It was small, but the wind was so strong anything could get into the air. His feet stopped moving as he searched for where this smell was coming from. He knew the smell. He knew it well.

The smell of blood.

He took off down they alleyway toward the school, it was getting stronger as he neared the steps. As he approached the forst step he saw it. A figure laid still on the top step close to the doors. He quickly lept up the steps until his shadow covered hers. He kneeled down and his two fingers went to the side of her neck searching for a pulse. 

"Come on' He wispered waiting. He brought is palms one on top of the other over her chest and pushed down while counting 1..2...3 in his head. he brought his lips to hers and blew air into her mouth before doing the whole process again. After a few times he brought his ear to her chest and listened. 

It was quiet..but it was there. A slight heartbeat. he put one arm benath her neck and the other beneath her knees and lifted her up into his arms and runs towards the doors. 

As soon as he entered the building he began to shout, "Hello! Someone help me!" Immediately a handful of men and woman appeared out of the hall in white coats running towards the boy. "She was outside, she's bretahing..but barely"

A doctor quickly took her from the boy and quickly ran down the opposite hall followed by a few doctors. Teenagers began to fill the room going into little groups giving the boy quick glances. Suddeny a boy with wite hair appeared searching frantically until his eyes met the stranger's. 

"Phoenix?" One name escaped the white haired boy's mouth. 

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