Chapter 26

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A light whisper woke Maka out of her sleep. She sat up right coughing and wheezing as if someone was choking her while she slept. Her hands clutched the bed sheet as tightly as they could. Her hair sat stuck to her face from sweat.

She brought her knees up to her face and held them tightly to her body as if all the pain would just drift away. She wanted to scream out to Soul, but...that's when she remembers that she's sitting In the hospital bed...alone.

A few hours earlier Soul was sitting in the chair making her smile and laugh, but Maka had told him to go get some sleep and...she would be fine. But now...she missed him. She wanted

Her hands gripped the edge of the mattress as she lifted herself to the edge of the bed and onto her feet. She pulled the tubes from her arm and carefully walked across the cold floor to the door. She gripped the doorknob and twisted it to the right. It clicked and slowly opened. She disappeared from the room into the hall.

Maka walks along the hall for a little bit before she reaches the front doors exiting the building. She stopped and looked outside. It was dark, but she could easily see the raindrops hitting the door's glass. She walked toward the doors. Maka places her hands on the door handle and pushes it lightly. It slowly opens letting in the cold air. Cool raindrops hit her face as she left the building standing on the steps.

Her eyes gazed up at the cloudy night sky, the rain drenching her hair and clothes. The cold breeze grew goosebumps on her arms and legs. Her lips began to change to a slight purple, as her arms gave a slight twitch. Maka's eyes closed shut...when the memories hit. 

An image smacked her straight in the head sending her backwards to the ground. Her skull hit the cement with a crack and shadows yanked her into oblivion. 

Raindrops fell onto the wet cement washing the puddle of blood down the steps...

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