Chapter 23

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                                                                         Maka's POV

Darkness engulfed me before I could fight. Smoke filled my lungs. Hands held me down making it impossible to move.

A sharp blade cuts through my skin.

The pain made me let out a earsplitting cry, it was too much for me to handle.  

I tried to pull away, but the hands just tightened their grip.

Droplets of blood ran down my cheek, some even running over my lips. It tasted of salt.

My nails pushed deeper into my palms until eventually breaking skin. 

MY eyes searched everywhere, but the figures were only shadows.

The screams intensified as the blade cut deeper into my stomach.

I felt arms around me once again, but this time they weren't holding me down but pulling me up.

M eyes slowly opened as they met Soul's worried gaze.

He was shouting, "Maka...Wake up!...Maka!"

Tears escaped my eyes as his arms pulled me into him. I quickly wrapped my arms around his back and cried into his shoulder.

"Shh...It's okay, your safe" He whispered into my ear while lightly stroking the back of my head.

But all I could think was....'Am I?'

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