Chapter 12

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                                                                       Maka's POV

The room was filled with noise...

But the room was completely empty...

My heart is thumping out of my chest.....

But no blood has spilled...

I no longer remember how many days have passed, I feel it is no longer important.

For...I will be dead soon...or insane...but is there really a differance when it comes to sanity?

I cant even remember his name...

I know its there...somewhere...but I am no longer fighting to keep it...

Soon...he wont even be a 'he' 

He wont be anything...

...And neither will I

Why do I have these thoughts? Why cant they just die off, so I dont have to think, So I dont have to feel.... for happy people....its for angry people...its for sad people....I am none of those things....not anymore

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