Chapter 10

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Soul walked with his companion for hours, but the further they walked it seemed like the cliff's wall only grew taller. Soul abruptly stopped walking and gazed up at the night sky. After a few steps Phoenix stopped as well and turned around, "What are you doing?"

Soul looked at him with a threatening gaze, "This is getting us nowhere"

Phoenix walked back over to him, "Yeah? And what do you plan to do about it? There is no other way to get up there!"

Soul searched up and down the cliff side with only his eyes, "Your wrong, there is a way" he turned away and walked up to the wall. 

"What-" Phoenix turned away and looked up the path before gazing back at the boy. he lets out a soft growl before running over beside him, "What the hell are you doing now?"

"I have to go up...the way...i came down" His hand moved around on the rock before finding a gap, he hooks his fingers inside, an dpulls up.

"Wait wait wait, your going to climb...the wall?" Phoenix asked.

Soul continued to climb, "Yup"

"Are you menatlly insane or something"

Soul thought about it for a moment, "...Something" 

Phoenix couldn't help but grin, he shakes his head back and forth before leaping up onto the wall, "This is crazy"

"I know"

"You could die" Phoenix said.

"I know" Soul muttered.

"Then why are you doing this? What is making you risk your life?"

Soul stops climbing, "...her" He continues to climb, but with faster speed than before.

Phoenix looks up with confusion, but then the girl they were going after...her..was Maka...

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