Chapter 16

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After kicking a hole big enough to fit through in the wall, Soul steps over and through. He walks down the short hall towards the door, the scent of dried blood lingering in the air...getting even more toxic with every step. 

He's inches from the door, when something sneaks up behind him and lifts him into the air by his throat, throwing him against the wall. Soul slides to the ground, and lets out a cough before looking up into the red eyes of man big enough to be considered an giant. 

"You get lost boy" The man growls before taking a step towards the white haired boy. 

Soul smirks, "Not at all" He kicks up, hitting the man in between the legs. The man stumbles, Soul uses this moment to slide his foot across the floor beneath his feet, bringing him to the ground. Soul jumps up and kicks the man's chin. 

The giant lets out a growl before grasping Soul's ankle and swinging him into the air and into the opposite wall. 

A breath escapses Soul as his head makes contact with the wall. Soul grits his teeth and lets out a shout before putting all his strengt into one move. He makes a right turn, and kicks hard into the giant's skull. 

Soul takes a step back as a pool of black blood surrounds his head. He feels his heart pounding as he turns away and runs the rest of the hall. He grabs the handle, twists it and runs inside shutting it immediately.

Soul lays his head against the door as he takes deep breaths...when he hears quiet breathing, that didn't belong to him. He slowly twists around and gazes around the room. One of the walls held chains, stained with dark red blood. And laying in the center was a silver table, a figure softly breating upon it.

Soul takes a step towards it...and freezes. There..,laid a light colored girl, her body covered with bruises and cuts. He walked up to it and stared down into her bright eyes..."M- Maka?"

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