Chapter Two

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Hunters pov

I walk down the corridor towards the locker room, stuck in a daze. I hear a muffled noise until i am brought back to the real world. "HUNTER!"

I snap my head to the side turning my attention to the loud voice. "Oh umm, hi Jenna" she smiles at me and tries to kiss me and i turn away. She laughs thinking I'm joking and digs her huge bear claws (her fake nails), into my chin and gives me a sloppy kiss.

Im going to be honest, I never really wanted to be with her. I mean yeah she is pretty but, i don't know. It doesn't feel right. I just got kinda forced to date her. She was the first person i met.

I ended up meeting her at the park when i was taking my little sister there. We got talking and her friends came and all of a sudden im being told were dating.

"Hey babe, wanna skip practice and make out?" I look around awkwardly.

"Ummm not today Jenna, cya later". I go to leave but she grabs me. "What the fuck hunter? Am i not good enough for you?" i smile weirdly and shake my head."No Jenna, i just dont want to miss practice since im new" she glares at me. "Pick me up after school you're taking me home, ok?". i smile, not giving a solid answer and jog away.

I arrive at the locker room and get greeted by all the guys. "Hey hunter! Theres a space over here!" I smile to one of the guys and walk over.

After getting changed we all make our way out to the playing field. I look around and frown when i see owen looking sad.

Me and owen really got along the other day and he seemed really cheerful, so something really must have gotten to him to upset him.

"Hey Owen, you ok?" He smiles and looks up. "Yeah, yeah im fine Hunter, just a little tired." I smile and nod.

We go across the field and sit on the bench.

"HUNTERS TEAM ON!" Here we go. I jump up and grab the ball and start to run. I throw it to dave who sprints across the pitch. Dave then throws it to Owen, who surprisingly missed. No one got angry at him but we all just share a confused look.

From what i've been told, Owen is one of the best players, so he must be really tired to miss.


Owens pov

I barely slept last night. That's quite normal for me, however usually i atleast get an hour or so, but not last night.

My brain feels like its 5 hours slow!

After practice i have science with Ally and Connor. I sit in my chair waiting for them both to arrive. I rest my head on the table as it feels like a brick hit me.

"Heyyy sleepy head" i look up to see Ally with a cup in her hand. "I got you some coffee, you can sleep this lesson since we have a supply" i silently cheer and down half of the coffee all at once. Ok time for a well needed nap.


"Owennnn, owennnnnn owen, OWEN WAKE UP YOU LAZY BITCH ITS TIME FOR ART!" I look up to see Connor and Ally trying to wake me up as everyone else leaves the class. "Fine" i yawn and grab my coffee. Art is on the other side of the school so that will be a fun walk. I sling my bag over my back and follow ally.


"OK CLASS PENCILS DOWN!" I place my pencil down and smile. I did alright. I sketched a lake that is by my house, i go there daily to either run, take photos or just to be alone.

"Ok class, hand your work in on your way out, this will be 35% of your grade! If you come and try to make me sleep with you to change your grade that will make your grade lower. That counts for boys and girls!" I laugh at mrs Davis. Shes funny but can be a scary woman at times.

Time for RE which i seem ok at. I jog down the halls to catch up with Connor, ally, hunter and jenna. "Oh hey Owen!" I smile and return a small hi.

"Heyyyy owen" i glance over to Jenna and smile. "Still gay?" I smile softly and nod. "Yeah jenna, still gay." She frown. Jenna has slept with the majority of the football team, which makes me laugh since a few of them turned out also liking boys.

"Owen are you bi or gay?" I smile again. "Fully gay jenna, didnt sleep with you then, wont sleep with you now." She huffs.

"JENNA FUCK OFF ALREADY. You've tried to sleep with the whole damn school! Owens not gonna sleep with you, CONNOR IS definitely not going to sleep with you and I'll be REALLY shocked if hunter sleeps with you. Why are you flirting with owen, WHEN YOUR BOYFRIEND IS RIGHT THERE? Take your STDs and leave."

We all just look at Ally in shock.

"Hunter are you gonna let this, thing talk to me like that!" Hunter stutters over his words and doesn't reply. I laugh at the anger on Jenna's face. "What the fuck are you laughing at faggot?" I go red with embarrassment . "Fuck off jenna." hunter shouts.

People calling me that kinda gets to me, reminds me of some horrible stuff that happened in the past. She huffs and storms away. "Damn, barbie clearly has attitude problems" we all laugh agree with Connor and continue towards our next lesson.


Owens pov

"Ok class before you leave i need to sign you with your project partners! You can take as long as you need to do it as it is a huge project " i sigh. Oh god. "Ally and Connor, Chloe and charles, chandler and joey, amy and clark, rachel and sammy and hunter and Owen" did i hear that right? I look over to hunter who smirks at me.

God is he trying to kill me?!

The bell goes and i run to my locker. I grab my books and coat and slam my locker shut to see hunter stood there. "Heyyyy" i let out the girliest scream. "Haha sorry i scared you Owen! So i was thinking about the project, is it ok if we start it tonight, at your place?" I calm down and laugh.

"Yeah its fine, come over around 7 my mom will be at work and Nathan will be at his friends so we can order a pizza if you want. Heres my number. I will text you the address" he nods and shows a breath-taking smile.

"Alright then, Its a date!"

Hey guy!


Thanks for reading! Ik its bad but oh well!! Hope you enjoyed. Leave any ideas and i might do it or questions and i will answer!

Word count: 1182

Vote and comment! Cya next time bai!~


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