Chapter 23

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Leo knocked on Haley's door with his elbow pad.  "Haley, can we talk?  Please?"  There was no answer.  "I brought our dinners, for a little privacy." 

Leo listened intently, and heard her bed creaking on the other side of the door before feet padding on the brink floor.  Then, the door opened slightly.  "What do you wanna talk about?" 

The blue-clad turtle sighed.  "About what just happened, please?"  He watched Haley sigh as she stepped back from the door, allowing it to open fully and for Leo to come inside.  He pulled out the chair at her desk with his foot and sat down.  He then extended his arm for her to take her plate of food.  

Haley rolled her eyes but took the food.  She knew Leo would not let up about this.  She sat back on her bed, and took a small bite of the food.  

Leo smiled softly.  "You know we need to go on patrol.  We need to keep tabs on the Foot and the Kraang.  If we don't, then we could be caught by surprise by something they are planning against us." 

Haley sighed.  "I understand that.  I just don't understand why your patrol has to be in person tonight.  You guys are still healing, and to add to my point, you guys have other patrol measures.  I thought Donnie had surveillance throughout the city."

Leo nodded.  "He does, but it's not as thorough as going out on patrol ourselves.  Its a big city, and we just wouldn't be able to effectively see everything through cameras.  Plus, it is good exercise for us.  And it is going to be a short patrol tonight anyways.  We won't have the time to get into trouble like you think," He paused.  "Plus, you don't seem too upset at the fact that Raph is out there now, and he's more likely to get into trouble because he is on his own.  Just saying." 

Haley looked at him.  "I am worried about him.  I don't think he should be out there on his own after what happened.  But, he's not my boyfriend, so I am not able to comment my thoughts on the matter to him and it have as much of an impact." 

"I know you're worried about me.  But, you need to know that as a leader, I have to lead my team and family, and as a boyfriend, I have to protect my girlfriend, especially in my life.  There are people who are out there who want me and my family dead, and they will use anything to find a way to get to us, and that includes people we love."

Haley let out a sigh.  "Then why not just leave the city?  You guys could go somewhere its safer.  Didn't you tell me April's family has an old house in the country upstate?  Couldn't you and your family live there?" 

Leo shook his head.  "We discussed that years ago as a family, but we have an obligation to this city.  The police would not be able to stop what we do.  Plus, the Foot clan has its influence in the politics of this city so it would only get worse.  Also, they would use April, Casey, the kids, and now you to try and find where we went.  And, I'm not going to leave you here like that even if that's what we did end up doing." 

"I would figure it out on my own, Leo," Haley said as she took another bite and swallowed.  "I've been pretty independent for a while." 

Leonardo shook his head.  "You were independent because you had to be.  You took care of yourself because no one else did, but you don't need to do that anymore.  You have me to help with that, as well as my family." 

Haley smiled slightly.  "You're very convincing, you know that?" 

Leo smirked.  "That may be because I'm telling you the truth.  I know you're guarded, and you have every reason to be, but I just want you to know that I am here for you.  I'm going to be patient with you, but you have to do some work too, and learn to trust again.  Not everyone will let you down when you expect them to help.  I'm not saying I will be perfect, and I know you're realistic enough to know that.  All I'm saying is that I will work on my patience if you work on your ability to trust." 

The young girl let out a sigh before looking down at her plate.  She then looked up at the blue-clad turtle in front of her.  "Okay.  I promise I will work on my trust."

Leonardo smiled.  "Okay, good.  And if I start to move too fast in this relationship, please tell me.  I want us to be open with each other.  If that means having rough and awkward conversations like this one, then so be it." 

"We are open with each other." 

"More open with each other then," Leo corrected himself.  "I can tell when you're upset, but you act like everything is fine.  I want you to be able to tell me what you are feeling, so maybe I can help talk you through it..." He looked at Haley who's smile had faded.  "I know I cannot imagine the pain you feel about your family, and there are some things I cannot understand because of it, but just because I don't understand it doesn't mean you have to go through it completely alone."

Haley sighed again who just nodded.  "I can't promise I will tell you everything I am feeling, but I can promise to try.  It will take a very long time for me to get to that point." 

Leo nodded.  "I understand that.  It's a good thing I plan for my patience to grow in this relationship," He said in a joking tone, trying to end the conversation on a high note.  Suddenly his phone buzzed.  He looked at it.  "Looks like Raph is ready to meet up with us whenever." 

"I wonder what he does up there by himself.  He was doing it a lot before you got hurt," Haley said as she took one last bite of her pasta.

Leo sighed as he took his final bite before standing up.  "I'm sure, knowing Raph, it will come out sooner or later, and usually not in a great way." 

Haley chuckled as Leo took her plate from her to take it back to the kitchen.  "Have some faith in your oldest brother.  I bet he's more responsible on the surface than you give him credit for." 

Leonardo rolled his eyes.  "Obviously you have not lived with us long enough if that's what you think about Raph," He said with a smirk.  He then leaned down to Haley, kissing the top of her forehead.  "I'll go let the guys know to get ready for patrol.  Do you want me to tell you when we leave?" 

Haley shook her head.  "That's okay.  I'm probably going to go shower and work on some homework before bed." 

Leo nodded and smiled again.  "Okay.  You don't have to wait up for us if you get tired," He said softly.  "And don't worry.  We'll all be fine." 

Haley gave him a soft smile again.  "Okay, Babe." 

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