Chapter 20

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Haley was sitting on her bed as she typed away on her new laptop.  Donnie had finished updating a newer laptop he found, so he thought the best thing to do was give his old one to Haley so she would work on schooling.   It also allowed her to look for potential jobs even though she knew she would have to wait another year or so before anyone would even consider hiring her.  It was late at night, meaning the guys would be getting back from patrol soon, and Haley at least wanted to tell her new boyfriend goodnight before she went to bed.  

She waited another hour, expecting to hear the guys returning to the lair soon, but when that time passed, she started to get worried.  The clock showed one in the morning, which was past the boys' curfew.  Haley sighed as she closed her computer and set it on her bed before leaving her room.  

The lair was dark and cold.  The stone felt cold against the bottom of Haley's feet, so she walked quickly, hearing the padding echo through the home.  Despite the dark, Haley did see a light coming from the living room area.  She hesitantly followed the light which led her to hearing sounds coming from voices as well.  Haley immediately knew it was not the guys based on the tone.  When she turned the corner, she saw Splinter standing in front of the TV.

The mutant rat was watching the Channel 6 news report of an explosion happening from the TCRI building, the same building Leo had informed her about being a headquarters for the Kraang.  Haley gulped as she walked closer to Splinter.  "Splinter, what's going on?" 

Splinter turned to see her.  "The boys got into some trouble.  They are on their way now.  I fear that Leonardo has been hurt."  

Haley's eyes widened.  "How bad?  What about the others?  How soon will they get here-"

Splinter sighed.  "My child, there is no time to answer these questions.  We must get Donnie's lab ready, per his request," He said walking past Haley and towards Donnie's lab, quick enough that Haley had to jog slightly to keep up with him. 

Once Haley got to the lab, she watched silently as Splinter started moving things off of Donnie's lab table to various locations.  He glanced at her.  "Haley, make sure the medical kit is filled with equipment.  We cannot waste any time." 

This managed to snap Haley out of her stunned silence for a minute or two.  She ran and grabbed Donnie's medical box, opening it with shaking hands and looking through everything.  She listed everything off to herself.  "Alcohol, needles, gauze, swabs, antibiotics-" 


Raphael burst through the doors, holding Leo over his shoulder.  Blood was dripping onto his plastron through what looked like a towel being held on Leo's leg.  Donnie followed.  "Set him on the table!  Mikey, Sensei, hold him down.  I've got to stop the bleeding.  No time for pain meds." Haley stepped back as Donnie grabbed the kit from in front of her.   "Haley, try and distract him."

Haley's heart sank deeper into her stomach.  "Donnie, I-"

"The more you distract him from the pain, the better it will be," Donnie interrupted before running back to Leo.  Haley gulped as she then walked over to her boyfriend.  

Even though Haley had only known Leo for a short amount of time, her heart broke when she saw the amount of pain she was in.  His skin was paler and less green, and he was gritting his teeth.  Haley looked at him.  "Hey.  Look at me.  You're going to be okay.  Just hold my hand, Leo, so Donnie can stitch you up."

Leo nodded quickly as he grabbed her hand with his.  His other hand gripped the side of the table.  His grip was stronger than Haley expected.  She could feel her bandages pulling against her healing skin.  She tried to fight her own pain, and not show it, especially to Leo.  

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