Chapter 9

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Leonardo smiled as he looked down at Haley.  They had been watching Space Heroes when she had fallen asleep on his shoulder.  She looked so peaceful, almost like an angel.  He didn't want to disturb her, so he decided to pause the show so she would not miss anything, and start flipping through channels.  However, Haley must have barely been asleep because she woke up five minutes later.  

She opened her eyes before realizing she was leaning on Leo and quickly sat up.  "Sorry... I-I didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

"It's not a big deal," Leonardo said as he sat up to face Haley.  "You're cute when you sleep." 

Haley could feel herself blush slightly.  "Thanks," She said before coughing into the bend of her elbow.  

Leo sighed.  "That cough still doesn't sound like it's getting any better." 

"But it isn't getting any worse either," Haley said as she stood up and stretched.  "That's a good sign.  Plus, I've only been on medicine for a few days.  It'll take a while before all my symptoms are fully gone.  And I'm at least not coughing up blood splatter into my hands anymore." 

Leonardo stood up too.  "Yeah, I guess..." He paused.  He was sad that this was Haley's last day to stay with them.  It had been fun.  He felt like they had gotten really close and had learned a lot about each other too.  They seemed to have fun.  "Listen, I know we all agreed that tonight would be your last night here so you could get back to school and everything," He watched Haley turn around to look at him.  "But, I think you should stay here, at least for a few more days." 


"I know you have to get back to school.  But, I was thinking that maybe you could go to school and instead of going home you could just come back here," He started talking faster.  "With your cough still not better, and your apartment not having heat or food or warm water I just think it would be better for you.  Plus, I... I like having you around.  It has made things more fun instead of having a routine we were stuck in before." 

Haley's eyes got wide.  "You... like having me around?" She watched Leo nod.  She couldn't help but smile as she blushed, hoping Leo didn't notice it.  "I, honestly, like being here too.  It's so much nicer than back home, and I feel like I can relax a little.  I can laugh and enjoy myself without worrying about the landlord coming in to kick us out without warning." 

Leonardo smiled.  "Then why not stay a few more nights?  I'll talk to the guys and Splinter.  We can drop you off and pick you up from school so you don't have to walk, and you can go home tomorrow just to make sure everything is good back home." 

"Okay," Haley nodded.  "You got yourself a deal.  I'll stop by the apartment tomorrow after school to make sure everything is good and to pick up some more clothes.  Then I'll call you when I'm ready so you can come to pick me up." 

Leo smiled, just nodding as he watched Haley disappear into his room.  


Haley went through school like nothing had happened, like the turtles were normal people like she was not living with them in the sewers, like she did not have pneumonia, like she had never missed a day.  The only thing that was off was the weight of her backpack from all her missed work.  

Her art teacher had tried to talk to her after class, most likely to ask why she had missed so many days in a row, but she basically ran out of his room to avoid talking about it.  She didn't want to say anything that would cause him to worry more.  She would just keep going to school as if nothing happened, and would probably get Donnie to forge a doctor's note to show him if he wanted proof.

Haley had managed to convince Leo to let her walk from school to her apartment, just because she did enjoy the somewhat fresh air of the city.  At least it wasn't sewer air.  When she got to her apartment, the door was unlocked.  She was confused considering it was never unlocked.  

When she stepped through, she saw that her mom and dad were sitting in the living room, watching TV.  Haley smiled at them, but they just ignored her.  Again, it was like she had never left.  It took her walking past her parents for her mom to speak to her.  "Where have you been?" 

Haley stopped and looked at her mom.  "I... I've just been staying at a friend's house.  I was getting sicker since it was so cold here." 

"And you didn't tell us?"  Her dad actually did look at her when talking to her.  

Haley gulped.  "I... I called... multiple times.  No one answered." 

"Whatever.  Don't pull that shit again.  Don't mess with your brother and sister either.  They're having to work more since your father and me are still looking for jobs." 

Haley's eyes widened.  "Both of you?  You're both out of work right now?  Why didn't you tell me?" 

Her mom snapped her head back and glared.  "Yes, Haley!  Both of us!  Not everyone can be little miss perfect all the time.  Sorry you're so embarrassed that you don't even want to live with us anymore.  We don't need to update you on our employment status.  We're the parents not you.  Now go to your room, now." 

Tears started to come to Haley's eyes.  She didn't know if it was more because of what her parents had said to her or that she was just tired because she was getting over being sick.  Either way, she didn't want to give her parents a chance to see her cry, so she just decided to go to her room and focus on gathering things to take to the lair.  

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