Chapter 12

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"I can't believe they would bury your family without even consulting you first!"  Leo said pacing the room in front of the foot of Haley's bed.  

Donnie was there with the both of them too.  "I know it sucks but it's policy.  There is no money to give them funerals, the morgue can't hold them... it's just what happens."

Haley sat silently in her bed.  She knew there wasn't enough money to give her family a proper funeral.  If she was being honest, she didn't even know anyone who would show up except her.  "Do we know where they are buried?" 

Donnie nodded.  "All of New York City's state burials are in Hart Island.  I don't know where the burials are specifically though.  It's not public knowledge in case some people want to go and steal the bodies."  

Leo looked at Haley whose color started draining from her face.  "Haley?  You okay?"  

"I... I think I'm going to be sick..." She said as she tried to get out of bed to run to the bathroom.  Leo knew she wasn't going to make it there so he quickly grabbed the room's trashcan and handed it to Haley right before she started to vomit.  

Leo let out a slight sigh as he held her hair out of the way for her.   Donnie sighed as he turned his gaze to the opposite side of the room.  It wasn't exactly privacy, but it was better than just staring at her.   Haley just clutched the sides of the trashcan, emptying out what little she had managed to eat at lunch.   It felt like forever, but she finally finished throwing up.  She wiped the sweat from her forehead before looking up at Leo.  "Thanks, Leo."  

"You're welcome," He grabbed the trashcan from her and set it beside her bed.  "Do you want me to get a nurse?"  Haley shook her head from side to side as she laid back in the many pillows behind her.  "Okay.  If you need me to get someone, just tell me." 

Haley didn't say anything.  She just moved her hand on top of Leo's.  His breath caught in his throat a little, but he didn't pull his hand away.   He glanced at Donnie who was now looking at both of them again, smirking slightly.  "So... I think some of the families of other people who didn't make it out of the fire are suing the owners of the apartment complex.  You may get some money out of it.  That with the life insurance will be a lot of money."

Haley only nodded as she looked at both of the brothers.  "Yeah.  But I won't be able to get the money until I turn of age... I don't know what I'll do until then."

"You can stay with us!"  Leo suddenly blurted out before anyone could say anything else.  "We have the extra room.  Also, Donnie would be able to make sure you're getting better after you get out of the hospital.  Plus you wouldn't have to worry about finding a job to be able to pay for somewhere to live right away.  And, after a while, if you want to get your own place, you will be able to leave whenever."

Donnie's eyes got wide.  "Leo, I don't know how Splinter would feel about that..." 

Leo shrugged.  "I'll talk to Splinter about it.  April and Casey can say you're living with them for legal reasons, just to cover the bases.  It's the best plan."  

Haley's eyes were wide open.  "I... I couldn't do that to you and your family.  That's just more food you guys have to buy, electricity, water, internet... plus you guys would have to drive me to and from school.  It's just too much."  

"It's not that, Haley..." Donnie said quickly.  "We would be glad to help you.  But... there might be other things Splinter will be concerned about." 

Haley glanced at Leo who just shrugged at her.  She looked back at Donnie.  "Like what?  If it's about me revealing your family to the world I promise I won't do that.  I mean, it wouldn't look good for the girl who just lost her family to start going on about mutant turtles who are ninjas living in the sewers.  People will think I've lost my mind."  

Donnie shook his head.  "I... I don't mean that," He cleared his throat awkwardly.  "I'm talking about the fact that you and Leo are... getting really close, which is great, but if that continues into something more I don't think Splinter will let Haley move in that easily.  He may be a mutant but he still is old-school on some things.  Not to mention it would be pointless to hide it.  If Mikey has picked up on it, then Splinter definitely has too."  

Leo and Haley both blushed slightly.  That was something they hadn't considered.  Haley let out a slight sigh.  "Well, I don't want to go against Splinter..." 

"I don't either," Leo said as he looked at Haley.  He let out a sigh as he squeezed her hand in his.  "I'll talk to him tonight.  If I cannot convince him, we will figure something else out."  

Donnie stood up.  "Leo, we should probably get going.  You told Sensei you'd be at training and dinner tonight." 

Leonardo looked at Donnie.  "Yeah, okay.  You go ahead and start towards the Shell-razor.  I'll be right behind you," He said causing Donnie to nod and walk out of the room.  This left the two of them alone.  

Haley looked up at Leo.  "Maybe to get on Splinter's good graces, you should stay at the lair tonight.  I'll be okay on my own."

"Maybe.  We'll see how I feel after dinner.  I don't like the idea of leaving you alone all night," Leo said as he sat on the edge of the bed.  He cleared his throat.  "About what Donnie said... about us getting closer... it's not making you uncomfortable, right?"  

"No.  It's not making me uncomfortable at all," Haley said somewhat quickly.  "I... I'm actually really happy you've been around as much as you have."  

Leo smiled.  "Can I ask you something?"  Haley nodded silently.  "You know I like you, right?"  

Haley blushed a little bit.  "Ummmm... y-yeah.  I had the idea that you liked me.  But I didn't know how to bring it up."  

"Do you like me back?"  Leo asked hesitantly.  

Haley looked down slightly.  "I'm not sure.  I want to say yes because I was having these feelings before everything went to... well, went it shit," Tears started to build in her eyes.  "But, I'm worried about my feeling coming from the fact I'm alone now."

Leo sighed as he looked down.  "I understand."  

Haley looked at her hand that was still in Leo's.  "If you're asking me to be your girlfriend right now, I don't feel like it would be fair to both of us.  But, I would like to try," This caused Leo to look up at her again.  "Would you be willing to wait, and ask me again in a few weeks or so?"  

Leo's face broke into a soft smile.  "Absolutely." 

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