Chapter 19

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It had been a few days since Halloween.  Haley and Leo had been spending more time one-on-one, just enjoying each other's company.  Leo had actually convinced Haley to go to the surface with him a few more times since that night.  Mostly, Leo used his watch to disguise his mutant appearance so they could walk the streets and do things every teenager could do.  However, tonight, Haley and Leonardo were just sitting on top of an apartment complex roof, so there was no need for the technological disguise.  

Leonardo and Haley had dressed in warm sweatpants, hoodies, beanies, and gloves to just watch the city.  They also had packed up some blankets and two full thermals of hot chocolate.  While it was cold, Leo knew it was good for Haley to get out of the lair.  After all, she had lived her whole life on the surface until recently, and he didn't want her to try and leave that behind, plus it gave them enough alone time to talk about a lot of different things.  

"Are you going to go back to dance?" Leo asked as he leaned against the wall.  Both of them were sitting on the floor, just talking.  

Haley sighed.  "I would like to, but I don't think I will." 

"Why not?  I thought you liked it." 

"I did, but I feel like that part of my life is over.  So much of it has changed.  It used to be a reason to stay out of the house as long as possible, but I have no reason to do that anymore.  Plus, there are better things I could be doing with my time," Haley said with a shrug.  "Honestly, I was thinking I would get a job next year for after school or maybe on the weekends, just to help pay you guys back for everything." 

Leo looked at her.  "I told you that you don't need to pay us back.  My family loves having you around," He saw Haley smile softly.  "I like having you around too." 

Haley looked up at him.  "I really enjoy being around you too..." She took a quick sip of her hot chocolate.  

"So, can I ask you something?"  Leo asked nervously, looking at Haley who nodded.  "So, ummmm... would you consider this a date?"  

Haley gulped down the hot chocolate and looked up at Leo.  Her eyes were wide with shock and embarrassment.  She was glad that the chill had already turned her cheeks pink, otherwise, Leo would have seen how badly she was blushing.  "Well... I... I think some people would.  Was this supposed to be a date, Leo?" 

Leo shrugged as he chuckled slightly.  "...would you move out tomorrow without telling anyone if I told you it was?"  

"No.  Plus, it's not like I have anywhere to go if I were to move out," Haley said awkwardly.  "So, if this is a date, and we're the two people on this date... are we officially dating?  How does this work?" 

"What do you mean?"  Leo asked as he looked at her.  

Haley took another sip of her hot chocolate.  "Well, as a mutant and a human, would you consider it weird?  Or would your family?  April and Casey?" 

Leo took a sip of his hot chocolate.  "Honestly, I don't think the guys will have a problem with it.  Donnie had a crush on April for the longest time.  He obviously couldn't act on it because she was already married.  Mikey has talked about finding celebrities attractive.  Plus, I'm slowly becoming convinced all of Raph's late nights are him sneaking away to see a girl.  " 

"Oh... okay.  And really?"  Haley asked quickly.  "You really think Raph has a girlfriend?  Do you think we'll get to meet her?"  

Leo sighed.  "He shuts down every time someone asks him about it, so I don't think we'll be able to meet her any time soon.  But, he's always been a very private person." There was another pause.  "So, ummmm... to answer your first question, I would... like for us to be an official couple.  But, I don't want you to feel pressured into it just because you feel like you need to repay me or my family for anything or because you're living with us and you think it would be awkward.  I know it might be weird to you since I'm a mutant, and not fully human, and that is valid, but-"

"Leonardo," Haley said cutting him off.  "Slow down for a minute.  I don't think it's weird." 

Leonardo looked at her.  "Really?"  

"Yes, really," Haley said with a smile.  "I had been questioning if you were just liking me for a while.  I didn't know if you were just being nice or not." 

Leonardo blushed, but Haley could not tell because of his green complexion.  "Well, I was being nice to you, but it was kind of for a reason." 

Haley laughed.  "Well, you succeeded.  When do you want to tell your family we're officially boyfriend and girlfriend?" 

Leonardo smiled slightly.  "We can go tell them now," He said as he smiled and stood up suddenly.  He then extended his hand to Haley.  Haley smiled widely as she took his hand and was hoisted up with ease to her feet.  

Both of them quickly gathered up all the blankets and the remaining hot chocolate.  Haley then walked over to the edge of the rooftop.  For some reason, she felt that the air was colder here, but she didn't mind it.  Her head was kind of spinning.  After all, she had never had a boyfriend before, unless she counted the boy she held hands with in pre-k before she moved to NYC.  

Leonardo came up behind her, breaking her out of her temporary trance.  "Here, hold the blankets, I'll carry us down," Haley nodded quickly.  Before she knew it, Haley felt Leo wrap his arm around her and lift her off the ground.  The cold wind bit her face, but it stopped just as soon as she realized it started.  And, soon enough they were in the sewers walking back to the lair, keeping idle chatter.  However, it didn't take long for them to get back into the lair.  

"Hey, guys!"  Leo screamed into the lair as they got into the lair.  It didn't take long for the two to follow the noise to the area in front of Donnie's lab.  The guys were throwing around a football and kicking a soccer ball among each other at the same time.  "Guys, can we pause your game of multisports for a second?" 

Mikey kicked the soccer ball to Donnie.  "Just a second, Leo?  I'm about to make both of these suckers miss the balls!"  He said then throwing the football to Raph, except that was what it looked like.  Somehow, he changed his direction at the last second.  Raph's hands, who were reaching for the football missed the soccer ball that nailed him in the stomach, and Donnie's foot was unable to stop the football from nailing him in the head.

"Mikey!" Both the red and purple-clad turtles yelled.  

"Quiet, my bros," Mikey said in a relaxed voice.  "Our bro, Leo, has something to tell us," He then turned to his oldest brother.  "You have the floor, dude." 

Leo glanced back at Haley who was looking up at him, blushing.  He cleared his throat.  "I... We... We're together... dating, now.  It's official!" 

All the brothers looked in amazement.  Mikey jumped and immediately hugged Haley, spinning her around.  "Aw yeah!  Welcome to the family!" 

Donnie smiled.  "Put her down, Mikey, before she changes her mind!"  

Raph smiled at Leo and just nodded a small nod in his direction.  Leo returned the gesture.  

Haley smiled back at the guys.  "Thanks... I hope this doesn't change anything between the rest of us... the last thing I want to do is make it awkward."

"Are you kidding?" Mikey laughed.  "It was more awkward for us three to watch you two not admit the attraction between yourselves!" 

Haley and Leo both blushed as they looked at each other.  They knew some comments were warranted, but both did not want to admit it.  The comments would die down eventually... but it would be a while before that would happen.  After all, they had only been official for half an hour.

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