Chapter 22

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Mikey turned around, setting down a huge pot of spaghetti.  Leo, Donnie, Haley, and Splinter were sitting around the table.  Splinter glanced behind him.  "Where is your other brother?"  

Leo shrugged.  "He told me he was going out early.  He'll meet us on patrol when we get up to the surface." 

Donnie sighed.  "I wonder what he does up there by himself.  He's been going off on his own more and more lately." 

Leo shrugged.  "I don't know.  But, he does seem to be in a better mood every time he does go off on his own.  Whatever he's doing, it seems to be working in order for him to blow off some steam," He sighed.  "Either way, it causes less arguments between me and him, so I'm not complaining." 

Haley glanced at him.  "I don't know if he should be out there by himself, and I still don't think you guys should be going out on patrol at all.  You just got your stitches out yesterday." 

Leonardo looked at her.  "We've already talked about this.  We need to go on patrol and make sure everything is okay.  Make sure there's no unusual activity around the Foot and Kraang, and check on Casey and April.  It's been a while since we checked up on them."  

Donnie nodded.  "Plus, it'll be good for us to get some fresh air after being down here for the last week and a half." 

Splinter nodded.  "To add to my sons comments, if they are to stay down here, the anxiety and fear will only grow.  They must face their anxieties of heading back to the surface.  And we must face our anxieties of the lack of control we have when they leave the lair." 

Haley sighed as she placed her head in her hands and sighed.  She knew Splinter was right, but she didn't want to give him or anyone else in the room that satisfaction at the moment.  She just watched as Mikey scooped some pasta into her bowl in front of her, followed by marinara sauce, a scoop of ground beef, and then parmesan cheese.  

"Hey, don't worry about us.  We'll be okay," Leo said  as softly as he could. He reached to put his hand on her upper arm, careful to not touch her burns that were still healing.  But, as soon as he touched her arm, she moved back from him, showing she did not want to be touched.  Leo let out a sigh, not pushing the matter further.

The past week, both Leo and Haley had been distant from each other.  There was a slight tension in the air, and everyone could feel it.  It had gotten to the point where every time Leo would try and touch Haley, she would move away from him.  It was taking a while for Leo to get used to, especially since that was not how she had been early in their relationship.  

Mikey and Donnie just glanced at each other nervously as an uncomfortable silence fell on everyone as they began eating.  

Haley just sat there, looking at her food in the bowl.  She wasn't hungry.  She hadn't been hungry in days.  "I'm just going to go to bed," Haley said as she started to stand up.  

"You need to eat, Haley," Leo said as he watched her get up.  "You didn't eat dinner last night, or breakfast this morning, and you barely ate lunch." 

"I'm not hungry.  I'll eat tomorrow," Haley said as she pushed her plate towards Mikey. 

Leonardo stood up and pushed the bowl back towards Haley's seat.  "You need to eat today," He stood up and grabbed Haley's arm.  She winced slightly, causing her to stop walking and Leo to let go.  

"You're not the boss of me, Leonardo," She said before turning and storming out of the kitchen towards her room.  

Leo sighed as he watched her walk out.  He then turned to see Mikey, Donnie, and Splinter looking at him stunned.  He sighed.  "I'll talk to her later. She just needs to calm down." 

Splinter shook his head.  "My son, you cannot lead Haley like you lead your brothers.  She needs to be in control of her own life." 

"I know, Sensei.  But I would do the same to anyone if they would go days without eating," Leo said as he sat back down.  

"And that is your problem," Splinter continued.  "I know she is not just anyone to you.  You must treat her differently, despite being upset.  No one reacts well when being told to do something in the manner you did." 

Donnie nodded.  "I can't say I envy you, Leo.  She seems to be overreacting a little to your injury." 

Leo looked at her.  "She's just worried.  It's lot to take in.  I think she just needs some time," He said taking another bite of his dinner. 

Mikey shrugged.  "I don't know, dude.  Her life is filled with butt-kicking teenage mutant ninja turtles.  You think she would learn to expect the unexpected." 

Leonardo shook her head.  "I think her mind can't take much more of unexpected things.  Not only did we enter her life, she lost her family, she's not going to school or dance anymore, and now the people she lives with turn up injured after a night that was supposed to be a simple patrol run.  I just think her distancing herself is a self preservation tactic."  

Donnie shrugged.  "Makes sense.  I just know you're handling it better than I would.  I don't think I could handle it." 

Splinter chuckled slightly.  "My son, if you care for someone like Leonardo does for young Haley, you'll be willing to put up with a lot more than that, I assure you," He then turned to his oldest son.  "Go talk to her.  Take her dinner to her, eat with her in private, and talk things out.  This tension between you two will fester if left unresolved." 

Leo looked down at his food before nodding. "Thank you, Sensei," He said before gathering his silverware in his bowl.  He did the same with Haley's untouched food, and then started towards her room. 

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