Chapter 2

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Leo gulped as he held the girl in his arms, stepping into the BattleShell.  He gently placed her on Donnie's table in the back, making sure she didn't hit her head on anything.  She had been through enough physical trauma for one day.  

Donnie walked beside the table, pushing Leo out of the way, pulling her backpack off of her and setting it aside.  "We need to get her back to my lab just to make sure she is okay.  I'm worried by the blood that she might have internal bleeding."  

"Is there anything you can do for that, Donnie?" Leo asked as he watched Raph start to drive through the streets of NYC.  

"Well, sometimes it stops on its own.  If not, we'll have to get her to April so she can get her to a hospital," Donnie said as he started checking her heart rate.  "It would help if she came to, though."

Mikey walked to Leo and Donnie.  "We're about five minutes from the lair, dudes." 

Leo nodded.  "Okay.  When we get there, Donnie, you try and help her any way you can.  Mikey and Raph will help you.  I'll handle Master Splinter.  After that, I will message April and Casey to keep them updated.  That way, if we need them, they will be ready."  


Raph pulled up to the lair and had barely put the BattleShell in park when Leo and Donnie opened its back doors.  Haley was in Donnie's arms.  Donnie was screaming in instructions to Mikey and Raph as they went to try and prepare Donnie's lab for his new patient.  

The screaming caught Splinter's attention and he ran out of the dojo, afraid that it was one of his sons that had been injured.  He let out a slight sigh of relief when he saw all four of them alive and well.  

"Leonardo, what is going on?" He asked in a harsh voice.  The harshness was not out of anger, but concern.  

"We found her getting mugged by some purple dragon's sensei.  She passed out, and we couldn't leave her there.  She could have died, so we just brought her back her." 

"'Her'?" Splinter asked. 

Leo nodded.  "Yes, a girl.  Maybe around our age." 

Splinter shook his head.  "We will help her until she is awake.  But she must not stay long.  If she is young, she will have parents looking for her.  Someone must be watching her the entire time.  

"Understood, Master," Leonardo said with a slight bow.  Mikey walked out of the back of the BattleShell to Leo.  The oldest brother did not even realize he had walked back there while he was talking to Splinter.  Leo followed Mikey.  "What are you doing with her backpack?" 

Mikey looked at him before looking at the bag.  "Donnie wanted me to bring it to him.  He wants to see if there's an ID or something in there he can run through his computer."

Leo nodded as followed Mikey.  He set it down on Donnie's desk and began going through everything.  He unpacked her clothes stuffed on top of everything, a pencil bag, a binder separated by folders for each class, and at the very bottom was a lanyard with a school ID on it.  There, it listed her name, the school ID number, and the name of her high school.  

Leo looked at it.  "Haley Rose." 

Donnie picked it up and looked at it.  "Born in 2001 on November 19th.  She just turned fifteen," Donnie said.  He was more talking to himself than anyone else.  He immediately began typing her name onto his computer.  After a few clicks, he was able to find her information.  

"Okay," Donnie started.  "Haley Lillian Rose, fifteen years old, goes to school at M544 Independence High, makes all A's and is on the honor roll, lives in the Midwest point neighborhood.  She has a mom and dad who, by the look of it, are both unemployed at the moment, her older brother is a college dropout and works at a gas station, and her sister never went to college and works at a strip club.  As far as I can tell, all five of them live in the same apartment that is very behind on rent." 

Raph leaned over to look at the screen.  "That's the neighborhood where we picked her up.  It's not a safe neighborhood.  Most people there have a drug problem at some point in their lives.  Do you think that could be the case with her parents and siblings?" 

Donnie shrugged.  "I can try and find out.  If they don't have any arrests or anything we won't be able to tell," He shrugged as he continued to type some more.  

Leonardo sighed.  "She doesn't seem to be doing any drugs or anything, so that's a good sign."

Donnie sighed.  "Her brother was caught with some hardcore drugs at school.  They were going to kick him out so he just decided to leave.  Her sister seems to have been arrested for public intoxication. The only thing I can find about her parents is that they have been fired from most of their jobs for suspected drug use.  But, there are no arrests on their records.  My guess though, is that they are using something." 

Mikey chuckled.  "Do you think if I keep going through her bag, I'll find some?" 

The brothers knew he was joking so they didn't even take time to answer him.  Raph just managed to smack him on the back of the head, causing Mikey to scream slightly from the pain.  

Leonardo sighed.  "Well, if she's stable, we should get some rest.  It's almost 1AM.  Splinter does want someone watching her the entire time." 

Donnie nodded.  "I'll stay and work in my lab for the first shift." 

Leo nodded.  "Okay, Donnie gets the first two hours.  After that, Raph, then Mikey, then I will.  Hopefully, she will be awake before then." 

Raph crossed his arms.  "Okay, Fearless leader, what are we going to do with her when she wakes up?  When she saw us before, her face didn't look exactly excited to see four mutant turtles." 

Leo rolled his eyes.  "If she wakes up at any point, come get me.  I'll try and talk to her and we will see from there." 

All the brothers nodded before emptying out of the room except for Donnie.  He glanced at the girl, looking to make sure her vitals were all normal before looking back at his computer. 

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