Chapter 5

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Haley laughed as she watched Mikey try and juggle different things that his brothers were throwing into the rotation.  He was up to five things, and most of them were breakable, so every time they would throw something else, he would scream, begging them to stop.  Donnie decided to throw a wooden spoon, and that was the last of it.  Everything fell out of motion and onto the floor with a loud noise.  An apple even hit Mikey right on top of the head on the way down.  All the other brothers laughed so hard that Haley thought they would fall out of their chairs.  But, once they regained themselves, they started to help Mikey pick things up.  

Haley Just sat there awkwardly watching.  Every so often she would catch Leo looking at her.  She didn't mind it though she did wonder why he was looking.  But, when she looked back, she looked at his eyes.  They were a deep blue, like the deep parts of an ocean.  She could tell he had been through some things because his eyes looked tired, but when he was laughing, they seemed to be so full of life.  

After everything was cleaned off, Donnie took Haley to his lab, just to check out her cough.  There wasn't anything extensive that was done.  Donnie just took some vitals; heart rate and blood pressure and put a machine that measures her pulse on her finger, before listening to her lungs.  "You're lungs definitely sound like there is some fluid in them," He said as he pushed himself back to his table on his chair with wheels.  "Your oxygen levels are a bit low too." 

Haley looked at Donnie.  "What does that mean?" 

Donnie put his stethoscope around his neck as he looked at her.  "It means you may be in the early stages of pneumonia." 

"Then how do I get rid of it?"  Haley asked as she stood up and followed Donnie to his computer.  

"It depends on what kind of pneumonia it is," He stated as he started to type frantically on his computer.  Haley watched, impressed by his typing, considering he only had three fingers on each hand.  "Viral pneumonia tends to go away on its own.  You'll feel miserable, but it tends to be completely gone in a week or two.  Bacterial pneumonia is different.  You have to get antibiotics to fight it off otherwise it is just going to get worse."

Haley's eyes got wide.  "Seriously?  What about just resting, cough syrup, and drinking lots of warm fluids to get better?" 

Donnie shrugged as he leaned back into his chair.  "I mean... it will help.  Also staying warm and indoors would help a lot too.  But, the best way to get rid of it is with medicine." 

"Well, the only times I am outside is when I'm walking places.  But, I can take the subway if I must," Haley said as she leaned her hip on the desk.  "And to stay warm... I guess I can just layer up when I'm at home."  

"Having some decent food at home would help too," Donnie said looking at Haley.  "You need to have nutrients to fight off infections." 

Haley smirked.  "Damn Donnie, all you can't do is write me a prescription.  If you could, I would have you as my primary doctor." 

Donnie chuckled.  "I actually can get you a prescription."

"Really?" Haley asked as her eyes got wide.

Donnie nodded as he sat up and turned his computer.  "It's actually not that hard.  All I really have to do is make a fake login, add a prescription to the pharmacy's list of medicine they need to prepare, and then they should let you know when it is ready for you to pick up." 

Haley was stunned as she looked at Donnie's computer screen, showing that a prescription under her name would be ready within the week.  "Donatello, I'm officially making you my go-to doctor.  I'll even pay you." 

Donnie laughed at his.  "Don't worry about it.  I don't have to pay for things like other doctors do.  Plus, friends and family get help for free," Haley smiled and nodded.  "Anyways, you can go back out there.  Tell the guys I'll be out in a minute."

Haley nodded, and without saying a word, she walked out of the lab and back into the living room area.  She found the guys sitting around the TV.  Actually, Leo and Raph were sitting down while Mikey was trying to pick out a DVD from his collection which honestly brought Haley back to her childhood since she hadn't seen a DVD in years.  

Raph looked up from his conversation with Leo to see Haley.  "What's the verdict?" 

"Apparently I have the early stages of pneumonia.  Donnie got a prescription ready for me to pick up on Monday.  So, after that, I should be just fine.  Also, Donnie told me to tell you guys that he will be out in a minute,"  Haley said right before coughing a few times into her elbow.  "I should probably go now."

Leo stood up.  "Really?  You don't want to stay and watch a movie?" He asked as he walked towards the young girl.  

Haley looked at him.  "I don't want to impose or anything..."

"You're not imposing.  I promise," He said watching Haley glance unsurely at the TV.  "C'mon.  It'll be fun." 

"Okay," Haley said quietly as she followed Leonardo, sitting beside him on the couch.  


Halfway through the movie, Haley was starting to get tired.  Her body was starting to hurt.  She could feel herself getting colder too, not a good sign considering she was already getting sick from being too cold most of the time.  She tried to hide it from the brothers so she didn't take away from the movie, but apparently, she couldn't hide much from the brothers considering they were ninjas. 

Leo leaned over to her, barely speaking above a whisper in her ear.  "Are you cold?" 

Haley looked at him and answered, matching his volume.  "A little, but I'm okay." 

Leo looked at the TV and then looked back at her before standing up.  "Hang on.  I'll get you a blanket." 

Leonardo was already walking away before Haley could even protest.  She watched him walk back to the hallway leading to the individual rooms.  She was amazed at how he barely made any noise when he walked.  Leonardo moved with purpose, always like he was on a mission.  It reminded Haley of herself sometimes, but the way Leo moved was fluid, strong yet comforting in a way. 

Haley watched for a while longer before turning back around. Then a few seconds later, Leonardo reappeared holding a blanket and what looked like to be a black box.  Again, before Haley could say anything, Leo was spreading the blanket over her.  He then pressed a button on the box, making it beep a few times.  He sat down beside her again, leaned in, and whispered.  "It's a heated blanket.  Let me know if you want it warmer or colder."  

Haley smiled slightly at Leonardo, blushing at how close he was to her face.  "Okay.  Thank you."

"Of course."

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