Chapter 13

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Haley was released from the hospital a week later.  She was in the process of being emancipated, but because of her injuries, she did not have to show up in court until after the decision was made.  

Leo pushed Haley in the wheelchair to the hospital exit where the rest of the brothers, as well as April, Casey, and their kids were all standing outside of the Shell-razor.  Donnie had obviously finished all the hologram watches since they all looked human.  Haley gave a small smile.  "Hey, guys."  

"Whattup, Haley!"  Mikey screamed as he engulfed her in a hug.  

Haley winced a little in pain.  The hug had put pressure on her burns which were still healing.  Before she could even say anything, however, Leo stepped in.  "Easy, Mikey.  You'll hurt her burns," He said slightly pushing Mikey away.  

"It's okay, Leo," Haley said quietly.  

Raph stepped up to her and gave her a small nod.  "Glad to see you back on your feet and out of the hospital.  We were all pretty worried."  

Haley nodded back, causing her overgrown bangs to fall in her eyes a little bit.  "Thanks.  It's nice to finally be out of the hospital,"  She shivered a little bit in the cold October air.  

"We better get you back to the lair," Donnie said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets.  "Last thing your body needs right now is to get a cold,"  He said as he helped Haley step up into the van.  

Everyone else loaded in as well, and Leo made sure he sat next to Haley on the floor, just because there were not enough actual seats for everyone.  The drive was quiet for the most part until April broke the silence.  "So, Haley, are you excited to see your new room?"  

Haley nodded.  "Yeah.  Leo told me you guys were working on it, but he wouldn't give me many details..." She paused.  "You guys didn't have to do so much for me.  It's not even guaranteed that I will be staying long, especially if I'm not emancipated."  

"We don't even know if it will come to that," Raph said with a shrug from the driver's seat.  "Plus, we didn't mind.  We all wanted to make sure you feel welcomed and at home."  

Leo looked up at her and smile.  "He's right.  You don't need to worry about anything right now.  Just be glad to be out of the hospital and focus on healing.  We'll take care of everything else."  Haley didn't respond, but she did nod with a soft smile.  

Soon the van pulled into the lair, and everyone got out.  Splinter was standing at the doorway with a smile.  He greeted Haley with a slight bow.  "It is good to see you again, Haley."  

Haley nodded.  "Thanks, Splinter."  

By now Mikey was basically bouncing with excitement.  "C'mon, Haley!  Come see your new room!"  He said before darting in the direction of all the guys' rooms too.  "Hurry!"  

Donnie laughed as he followed.  "Relax, Mikey!  The room is not going to grow legs and walk away before she can see it!"  Everyone just laughed as they followed Mikey.  

Everyone stopped at the last door on the left of the hallway, waiting to see Haley's reaction.  She slowly pushed open the door and was shocked to see her room.  There wasn't much in terms of furniture, but there was a bed, nightstand, closet, vanity, desk, and even a bookshelf full of books.  Everything was in soft shades of greyish blue.  The bedspread was a beautiful cream color with blue accents and a stuffie in the middle.  To light up the room, the far wall was covered in light strands that dimmed and brightened in a pattern.  There were also small bits of fake greenery laced around bits of the furniture too.  However, the thing that caught Haley's eye was the thing sitting on her nightstand. 

There was a small picture frame.  She glanced inside of it and saw a picture she hadn't seen in years.  It was of her when she was seven years old, sitting on the wooden steps of a house with the rest of her family.  They had been laughing at something that she couldn't remember.  But, she knew that was when her family was the most happy.  Tears came to her eyes as she looked at each of her family members.  They were happy.  This is exactly how she wanted to remember them.  "Where did you guys find this?"  She asked as she picked up the frame and sat on the bed.

"We found it in your apartment," Leo said as he sat down beside her.  "We figured you would want something to remember them by."  

Before anyone could say anything else, Haley wrapped her arms around Leo's neck.  Tears were streaming down her cheeks now, and the pain she was feeling on her wounds was enough to make anyone pull away, but she didn't.  All she did was whisper thank you.  


After a while, April and Casey had gone home.   Mikey and Raph had made a run to the store, utilizing their hologram watches, and Donnie had disappeared into his lab.  Meanwhile, Splinter had called Leo and Haley into the dojo.  

"Haley, you know you are welcome to stay as long as you like," He said as they sat in front of him.  "However, I am aware of the growing relationship between you and Leonardo.  I am not against anything, but I do have some rules that I asked you to abide by because of this."  

Haley nodded.  "Of course, Splinter.  Anything you say."  

Splinter nodded.  "These rules are simple.  I do not want you in each other's rooms with the doors closed.  No sharing blankets.  And I do not want you in each other's rooms after midnight.  If you wish to stay up later, you can stay awake in one of the communal areas."  

Leonardo glanced at Haley who was nodding.  Leo let out a sigh of relief.  "We understand.  Thank you, Sensei."  

Splinter nodded.  "Of course, my son.  You two may go now," He watched as Leo extended his hand to help Haley up.  As she stood, he looked at her.  "Haley, I know you are going through a very hard time.  I also lost my family a very long time ago.  I know the pain you are feeling.  If you ever need to talk about things.  I am willing to hear them out."

Haley glanced back at Leo who was nodding now before looking back at Splinter.  "I appreciate that, Splinter.  But I am going to be okay," She said before following Leo out of the dojo in silence.  

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