Chapter 16

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"I am sorry." Naruto muttered when it was just him and Itachi left in the room. Itachi was trying not to cry, knowing that if he cried it would make Naruto even sadder. Itachi reached a hand out to Naruto gingerly, unsure if the blond would let him touch. Naruto turned his hand to face his palm upwards as a sign that Itachi can hold his hand. Itachi clutched Naruto's hand, the skin was paler than the complexion he remembers and it felt weaker than how it used to be. Naruto still seems to be out of it sometimes, he could also barely hold onto a cup and Fugaku had to help him to drink water. Naruto could feel Itachi's hand tremble, he looked up to see the older man looking at the ground and his body shaking slightly. Naruto tried to close his hand around Itachi's tighter but he hardly managed a light squeeze but Itachi felt the effort.
"You shouldn't be the one apologising. I am, and I am sorry," Itachi whispered, "I am sorry that I didn't listen to you. I am sorry that I ever doubted you, I knew that deep down inside, you would never but I just get so mad and I-" Itachi was crying now, the sight broke Naruto's heart. He pulled the man closer for a hug. Itachi buried his face into the crook of Naruto's neck, breathing in his scent. Despite all the hospital smells, he can still smell the blond's scent and it was very relaxing to him.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Itachi chanted over and over to Naruto. The blond bit his lips, unsure what to do to next. "You probably don't like me right now bu-"
"Itachi," Naruto interrupted softly, "you always held a special place in my heart. It felt really empty when you left me. It was empty that I wanted to claw my heart out but when I saw you in the room just now, I don't know... I felt, I felt happiness bubble a little. You were always there for me when I needed you." Naruto continued softly, not including the times of when he tried to commit suicide and he needed Itachi but he wasn't there. That stays unspoken between them.

For the next few days, Naruto stayed in the hospital recovering his strength. Each day Itachi came and stayed until the nurses had to physically get tug at him to get him to leave. Naruto's siblings came after they finish their university courses for the day. Sasuke always comes with food, sprinting so fast into the room every single day that he always nearly knocks himself out with a wall. Sasuke sprints so fast with the fear that Naruto might be gone for good and he wouldn't be there to stop it. Mikoto and Fugaku comes after work or during lunch whenever they can, they always bring little things like books and food for the blond. There was nothing from Naruto's parents. It seems that they have truly decided not to involve themselves with Naruto, it saddened Naruto a little but Naruto wouldn't try his little stunt again just because of his parents, he learnt that some people around him may not care about him but the others care with all their hearts. His siblings constantly reassured him that their parents are still reflected but Naruto knows that hey wouldn't really care about someone that they don't know well. He had given up on gaining their approval and acknowledgements many many years ago. He doesn't need them anymore. When Naruto was discharged, Itachi brought him out to lunch with his friends. The group had really tall blokes that towered over Naruto, looking extremely intimidating however they immediately softened when speaking to Naruto. Kisame lifting him clean off the ground, mumbling something about stupid uchiha that didn't listen to him. The rest greeted Naruto with either a hug or a clap on the back. They don't mollycoddle him, something he likes very much.

Naruto and Itachi had fanned the flames of their love for each other back into a roaring flame. It was a flame that had never been put out. They decided it was best staying together. They have been together for years, they have loved each other the moment they met and it has never dulled. Times may have been really rough for the both of them but they went through it together, they always work things out without hitting anyone or yelling. Relationships are not always smooth sailing, relationship isn't always about the spark, it is about loving someone even if times get hard. Relationships will always have their flaws, the one you love will always have those flaws. The person you fell in love with might change but people always change, you will have to learn to accept change in a relationship ( not the same as changing to become abuse okay, y'all reading this?). The two of them knows how rough times can get but they are willing to face everything and anything life throws at them. Together.
That was why Itachi had decided to get on one knee when they were alone in the park at night, something they did a lot during their dates, and propose to the blond.
And he said, yes.

The end! Thank you for everyone who stuck around and for my new readers. :3

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