Chapter 4

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Naruto sped up to his room, quickly and quietly opening the door before shutting it silently behind him. He leaned on the door, breathing hard. He was finding it hard to breath but there was nothing he could do. It couldn't be asthma, he didn't even own the puff and he wasn't diagnosed with it either. He slid down the door to sit on the ground as he felt his knees go weak. He was feeling light headed but he was sure it would pass. It always does, it has happened multiple times. He would know, that's for sure. Naruto dug his phone out when he felt it vibrating in his pocket. Itachi's name filled the top space and the accept button is blinking back at him, urging him to answer the call. But he didn't want to answer it when he is going to sound out of breath. Just leave it... When he texts you later, or when you text later, you can just tell him you were busy trying to do homework. Naruto thought as he left the phone and tried to get his breathing back into a steady rhythm.

Naruto did just as he planned when Itachi texted a few hours later, asking him if he wanted to go out for dinner with him and the older man also asked why he didn't answer his call. Naruto agreed to the dinner, giving the reason he came up with before. His parents wouldn't notice he isn't home.

When Itachi came to pick Naruto up, he noticed Naruto's siblings looking at him and Naruto in some sort of confusion. "Why are they staring at me like that?" Itachi muttered to Naruto who took a glance to see who Itachi was talking about. "They don't know who you are to me. They are wondering why the brother they rarely see have an Uchiha as a friend." Naruto said softly as he knew exactly what that expression was about. Itachi nodded as he took in the information, he did not know that Naruto and his siblings are not as close as he thought. "You and your siblings aren't that close I assume?" Itachi asked, only to confirm his suspicions. Naruto looked out the window with a sigh, "yeah."

"Why not?"

"They, ehh, how should I put it? They don't really like me, I don't think. Actually I don't know." Naruto said, somewhat getting frustrated before turning even more to face the window to avoid looking at Itachi. The Uchiha blinked in surprised, Naruto never gets so frustrated so easily. "Hey hey, its okay if you don't want to talk about it." Itachi said, rubbing Naruto's shoulder as some sort of comfort. Naruto glanced at his boyfriend before sighing and giving Itachi a weak smile. "Thank you." Itachi is so understanding, I don't deserve him. I don't even deserve to live... Why is Itachi so nice to me? I don't get it, what does he see in me I will never know. Itachi kept his eyes on the road as he left Naruto in his own thoughts, he himself lost in his own thoughts about Naruto.

What are you thinking about Naruto? Why are you changing like this? It must have something to do with what you're thinking about. Why aren't you telling me what is wrong? Please please Naruto... Do you not trust me? Should I ask him? Should I confront him about it or should I just wait for him to tell me? He will tell me. I know he will... I don't know anymore... Itachi was getting himself upset at his own thinking. Naruto seem to somehow realize Itachi was upset because he suddenly reached over to grab Itachi's hand and gave it a light squeeze. Itachi has always calm down whenever Naruto touched him. It just spreads a calming vibe through him. How did he know that I was upset? I'm sure I didn't show any expression. "Your eyes betrayed you." Itachi turned to face Naruto so quickly that he thinks he almost suffered a whiplash. "How did you... know what I was thinking about?"

Naruto shrugged. "I don't. I can just feel it. Its hard to explain but it happens." Itachi blinked, that oddly made some sort of sense. There are times when he could tell what Naruto is thinking with just a short glance or sometimes not even a glance at all, he could just feel it. Itachi took the hand that was retracting away and gave it a gentle squeeze but did not let go after, just held onto the smaller blond's hand if as he would disappear once Itachi let go. "I love you so much" Itachi muttered as he brought the hand up to his lips to kiss it, he glanced over to see Naruto turn red. "I love you too." Naruto said softly, trying to hide his face. It always made him so flustered whenever I tell him that. Itachi mused. Goddammit, he's so adorable. So effing adorable.

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