Chapter 5

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Menma watched the clock very carefully, he had been doing that for the past week or so, trying to figure out what Naruto's schedule was. "Noooo. I can't figure it out!" Menma whined, flopping onto the bean bag in his sister's room. The three had gathered into Ahri's room to discuss how they can approach Naruto to talk to him. "You do know, maybe he has one but you're just too dumb to figure it out." Ahri teased, making Menma glare at her and he flung a pillow towards her but she caught it. Kaguya frowned. "No."

"No what?" The other two frowned at Kaguya when she suddenly spoke without any sort of explanation. Kaguya looked at the ground blinking as if she was thinking very hard about something. "You broken your brain thinking?" Ahri asked, trying to get a response out of their sister but... nothing. She did not even twitch at the insult. "Oi!" Menma called out as he reached over to smack her arm, making her jump. "What?!"

"You spaced out and didn't even respond to an insult. You also didn't tell us what you said no to." Menma pointed out, making Kaguya sigh.

"He doesn't have a schedule. He comes back at random times but never too late." Kaguya muttered, making the other two raise their eyebrows in confusion. "Don't look at me like that. Don't tell me you don't notice it."

"You have to be more specific what you're referring to, this is a broad topic." Ahri deadpanned. Kaguya face-palmed, shaking her head and muttered about stupid, annoying siblings that will be the death of her. "That we don't ever see him or hear him. Yesterday when mother and father was reprimanding him and then he was thanking us. That was the first time I ever heard him speak. I think the last time I heard him speak was like a few years ago when he tried asking me something but I dismissed him..." Kaguya trailed off, getting lot in her guilt again. Ahri and Menma looked at one another, this much thinking is making them feel really bad and regret everything they did in their lives. "We should call him and tell him mom and dad aren't home. Maybe he'll be more comfortable then?" Menma suggested as he fished out is phone from his pocket and was about to look through his contacts when a thought hit him. "Wait a second. I don't have his phone number..." He trailed off softly. Ahri and Kaguya both jerked in surprise as they lunged for their phones to check. "I don't either." Ahri said softly, looking like she was about to burst into tears. Kaguya was silent but her hand shook as she gripped the phone. "How. How is that possible. Why don't we have it?!" She hissed to herself. They were about to drown in their own grief when they hear the front door open softly and there was some shuffling and the door was shut again.  The trio heard a quiet murmuring and another voice, speaking in that soft almost inaudible tone.

Naruto had brought Itachi home to look for something before they head out again. He knew his parents weren't going to be home at this time. He wasn't sure about his siblings but hopefully they don't pay that much attention to him like they have been for the past few weeks. The sudden attention was making it uncomfortable. "Why are we being so sneaky?" Itachi whispered as he watched naruto turn the key slowly and gently turning the door knob to push the door open. "What? When are we being sneaky?" Naruto asked, turning to look at his boyfriend. Itachi tilted his head in confusion. Is this a normal occurrence to Naruto?
"You turned like the slowest key and door knob." Itachi muttered since they looked like they were trying to be as quiet as possible. "Oh. That. Uh. I guess I'm just used to having to come into the house quietly so my family don't realise I'm home. Not that they remember my existence anyways." Naruto murmured, mumbling so softly to himself at the end that Itachi almost didn't hear it. This made Itachi frown. Why does it seem like Naruto is being neglected but he's not telling him anything about it? They moved quietly to enter the house and remove their shoes. They both padded softly towards the living and up the stair. Naruto froze when he passed the lounge, making Itachi almost collide with him. Naruto looked like a deer in front of headlights. "Naruto?" Ahri called out. Naruto quickly bowed a hello and grabbed Itachi's hand and rushed up the stairs, dragging the confused Uchiha along. "Naruto! Wait!" The boy froze and turned around slowly, ducky his head almost like he was expecting to be hit.

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