Chapter 2

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"Good morning Naruto-Kun." A smooth silky voice reached his ears and arms wrapped around his waist gently. Naruto smiled slightly - even if he didn't remember his birthday, it was fine. As long as he remembered he existed. "Good morning Itachi-Kun." Naruto muttered, twisting his head to peck the man on the cheek. Itachi didn't seem satisfied with it as he twisted his head towards Naruto's, his hot breath against Naruto's ears. "Is that all I get?" Itachi's soft voice reached him, almost sounding like a purr. Naruto shivered. That's what he loved about the man, he made Naruto feel somewhat alive and wanted. Itachi doesn't know about his family negligence and how his friends are treating him and he plans to keep it that way. Itachi was his last thread of hope. The older man was the only one making sure his sanity and mental state of health is still in tack. 
Naruto beamed at him and wiggled out of his grasp, laughing as he skipped away from the Uchiha who soon caught up and pinned him to the wall being as gently as humanely possible. His touch is so gentle... Naruto thought absentmindedly. "You can't escape me." Itachi said, putting on the most sadistic yet sexy voice. The two stared at each other before Naruto started giggling and he slapped a hand over his mouth to stop the sound, looking extremely horrified by the sound he just emitted. Itachi frowned slightly, just barely visible. Naruto's been... How do you say it? Strange. He never ever hid himself but now he's starting to do it, hiding his smiles and laughs. His confident posture slowly started changing into a slouch like he was shrinking into himself... To hide himself. He doesn't seem like he notices that he is doing it but Itachi can't tell if it was true. That's what he loved about being with Naruto, the blond boy is so unpredictable. It makes Itachi look forward to everyday to being with Naruto, even if he couldn't and the only contact would be to text, that makes him so happy to just have some form of contact with Naruto. Just thinking about Naruto calms him down so much, whether he was anxious or angry or all those other gibberish emotions.
"Are you hungry?" Itachi muttered, wrapping his arms around Naruto in a gentle embrace. Naruto was quiet for a few seconds before admitting to it. Itachi left out a breath of laughter before pulling Naruto along towards the car. "Wait! What about classes?" Naruto asked.
"Don't worry about it. I'll help you if you don't know how to do the work." Itachi reassured quietly. Its not like he needs it. He doesn't realise it but he is actually pretty smart. The others around him just puts him down a little. But I don't think that actually affects him... or does it? Itachi thought as he opened the car door for Naruto who half rolled his eyes at Itachi's antics. Itachi smirked at him, knowing how much Naruto doesn't like him opening doors for him. "How did you know I was hungry?" Naruto asked as he buckled his seat belt as Itachi got into the car. 
"You were doing the thing." the man replied without thinking much about it. 
"What thing?" Naruto asked, confused as he thought back to what he did. Itachi took his eyes off the road to glance at him for a few seconds and to give him a very satisfied look. "Your mouth would pout in this way every time you want to eat." Naruto looked at him incredulously, as his hand reach up to touch his own lips. He doesn't actually do that does he? Itachi smirked at his reaction. Naruto caught that smirk and he turned in his seat to face Itachi, making Itachi laugh at his pout. The blond stared, his eyes wide. Itachi stopped laughing when he noticed the stare. "What's wrong?"
"Your laugh... Its so beautiful." Naruto muttered softly, shifted so that he now sits facing the windscreen, not even paying attention to Itachi from his peripheral view. "I love the sound of your laughter... I love how your voice sounds. It sounds so soft and silky, its the most wonderful sound in this world, to me that is." He continued in that soft voice. Itachi willed his face to keep still. He was about to frown but he didn't want Naruto to notice or question anything. There he is acting strange again. This wasn't the first time he caught Naruto looking so content after this look that indicates that something bad is gonna happen.
Naruto kept staring out the window, lost in his own thoughts and unaware that Itachi was watching him and noticing that he wasn't himself. What if one day I died... what would happen? Mum and dad would probably be happy, they have one less mouth to feed. Not that they feed me anyways but still. Menma... What would Menma do? I mean he isn't mean to me or anything. neither did he do anything good for me though... Would Menma be sad if I'm gone? Would my sisters be sad if i'm gone?  Naruto never really bothered his older sisters much, they never really cared about him, only thought of him as an annoyance when he was trying to talk to them. They always just dismissed him and sent him to his room. Menma at least would be nicer and spent like even two minutes badly attempting to explain something to Naruto.  

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