Chapter 11

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"We must go look for Naruto." Sasuke proposed, standing up. Itachi looked up at Sasuke, looking like he was about to say something but decided against it. "What if Naruto throws us out?"
"At least we know he's okay!" Sasuke exclaimed, shaking his brother and then forcing him to stand up. "Let's go!" Sasuke said, yanking the older Uchiha with him and not letting go until they got to the door. "We'll come with you," Mikoto said, standing up and snatching her purse off the coffee table. Her heels clicked against the marble flooring, the footsteps hurried. The couple both knew of Kushina and Minato's behaviour. They notice it all despite the couple denying any negligence toward Naruto. They had pulled Naruto aside to ask him about it when Itachi bought him home once. The blond had told them the basics and they had wanted do something about the issue, however, the blond had stopped them and told them not to tell the two brothers. The blond didn't want to make a big deal out of it, and he said he was sure his parents would not give a damn about him. After making sure Naruto knew he was absolutely welcomed in the Uchiha house at any time - even if he came in the middle of the night-, they let Naruto return to Itachi with a plate of onigiri so that he would not get suspicious. After that small talk, they noticed Naruto came over to their house more often, sometimes even staying overnight -which they only found out in the morning, when they notice a fluff of blond hair on the couch. Naruto had said that he didn't want to burden anyone or disturb anyone so he had gone in quietly with the keys Itachi paired for him and decided to sleep on the couch.
"What are you going to say to him?" Mikoto asked softly, turning to look at Itachi.
"I don't know." For the first time ever, Itachi doesn't have an answer. Mikoto patted his hand to assure him that it's going to be alright no matter the outcome. "I shouldn't have. I should've listened to Kisame when he told me to listen to what Naruto had to say about it." Itachi muttered to his mother. He wanted to cry so bad, how could he have done that? And to Naruto especially.

Naruto stared at his phone blankly when he noticed it lighting up from the corner of his eye. It was a text from Sasuke. I wonder what he wants from me now. Naruto mused as he picked up the phone with his bloodied hand. He had turned back to harming himself despite all the promises he made. I am weak anyways... I can't keep my promises well. In the back of his mind, he knew his friends would punch him in the face to make him wake up his ideas and shake him to tell him that they care but that was some extremely small insignificant part trying to convince him to stop. He knew he should not be doing this but he was enjoying this treatment to himself for some odd reason. Watching the cut line well up with beads of blood and some beads becoming big enough that gravity pulled it along, drawing a red line in its tracks. It was almost sort of addicting as he started adding to the number of cuts he had made that day and trying to match up with the number he did yesterday. It was almost like a game to him, like he was trying to beat his score from the previous day. He was feeling slightly faint already but it was not enough, his arm was sore holding onto the phone to check the message sent to him. Sasuke had asked him why he had not been to school. Something told him that that was not Sasuke because Sasuke has a certain text style when texting him. He would be using teasing or mocking him to start but Naruto would always know that he was joking around. This concerned tone that the text has, has more of an Itachi feel to it. Itachi was always formal, always directly asking and checking on him to make sure he was okay. He stared at the phone as his vision blurred a little. He didn't know what to say in reply. Like, Hi I am just about to kill myself thanks for being my friend? Bleh. Naruto made a face to himself. Why was he being so direct and sounding like he doesn't give two shits anymore? Maybe if I just ignore it... Naruto thought as he nodded to himself, he set the phone down beside him and resumed his little game of 'how many cuts will I make today'. It may not seem like a game as it was quite twisted however, it helped Naruto somehow - ignoring the fact that it drew quite a bit of blood and discomfort when people think about it. Naruto hadn't even noticed when he dug the blade a little too deep. He was so focused on making it go deeper and deeper slowly that one particular cut had him hitting a bone. Naruto had felt nothing at first as he stared at the wound, the knife had slide through his flesh like butter. Then it hit him, the pain, and he could feel his entire arm going numb as blood poured out. The room spun as blood dripped down his arm and onto the cold wooden floor. The red liquid ran down his fingers as he picked up his phone. He gathered whatever remaining strength he had to send one last message to Itachi and Sasuke. I'm sorry for everything. Naruto felt like the room was getting colder and colder. Naruto fell on his side, his finger hovering over the send button as tears continued streaming down his face. I deserve this kind of fate. I have done something wrong, I must be punished for it. 

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