Terrible Halloween Party

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Once again Pandora was locked in the room only this time she was with her father.

"Hi." He says awkwardly.

"Hi, Cole what are you doing here?" he doesn't answer, instead he pulls out a small microphone. Oh.

"You're sisters are listening in, trying to get the jump on my mother. We've got a plan," he tells her.

"How are you here?"

"Scarlet's book of shadows has a spell, it allowed Phoebe and I to trade places. They needed my knowledge of Elizabeth and power as Belthazor to save you."

"How is everyone, Malcolm, P.J, Parker?"

"Good, they're all good. P.J has been checking on Malcolm."

"What about the others. What did I miss?"Cole gives her all the gossip and she just keeps asking questions, about P.J, Parker, even the tiniest details. It was obvious she was avoiding the other, oncoming awkward conversation.

"Thank you, for coming to help me."

"You're my kid. I'll do anything to keep you safe. When I first found out about you I was so happy, you were everything I ever wanted, even if I was possessed by the source at the time. I wish it was different, that Phoebe and I worked out, that I could have seen you grow up, but it wasn't meant to be."

"I wish it worked out that way, then I wouldn't literally be being sacrificed to raise Satan, the only way this would be more cliche is if I was a virgin, and I just remembered you're my Dad that's awkward, I should think before I speak. I've never had a Dad."

"I've never been a Dad, it's a learning process for both of us. Though I met Jack, I feel the need to be really judgy, didn't he try to kill you?"

"It was a misunderstanding, how many times did you try to kill Mom?"

"Probably why we didn't work out." he half-jokes. "So, what do you do around here?"


On October 1st Blaze and Jett received an invitation.

You are cordially invited to the return of Lucifer the King and the Coronation of Princess Pandora. 31st of October, at the San Fransisco Theatre.

Obviously, this information was passed on to the Halliwells. Their plans had changed. The Theatre was going to be packed and they would struggle to find and get to Pandora.

"This makes things more difficult." Wyatt comments. he should have known,

"We'll have to make do, we can go as plus ones," Mel says,

"That only works for two of us," Chris comments.

"One actually, I have to get Wendy in." Jett corrects, this was new information.

"Why? that's not the plan?"

"Waldor is coming to the party, this might be the only opportunity to get to him."

"And you're the only ones with invites we can trust?"

"Actually, I got one." Malcolm walks in holding the envelope. "P.J would you care to join me in rescuing Dora?"

"Why do you get an invite?" She asks annoyed.

"I'm the oldest known Vampire, I get invited to everything. It would be an act of War against the Vampires if I wasn't, me and the Queens of different factions. Actually the leaders of any demon faction"

"You aren't a faction leader, What makes you so special?" P.J asks he gives her a look that was basically 'not now'

"So that's P.J and Parker, no offence but we're gonna need more firepower than the two of you." Wyatt states.

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