To live would be an awfully big adventure

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Peyton was coughing. She's been doing that all day everyone just assumes she's coming down with something. she couldn't sleep the night before because every time she closed her eyes horrible images of her family being hurt flooded her mind.

"Peyton you need to take it easy, I've seen zombies with better completions." P.J tells her sister who laughs. She wasn't wrong, Peyton looked as good as she felt.

"I'm fine, I just." she interrupts herself with another round of coughing. This time she coughs up blood. That's not good.

"Peyton!" Parker panics and beams Peyton the manor. they're overreacting it's just a little blood.

"Wyatt! Peyton coughing up blood. Heal her!" P.J orders and Wyatts hands start to glow. Usually being healed was a pleasant feeling but this time it made Peyton want to scream. Bianca and Chris come out to see what's going on and Bianca's face darkens.

"What's happening?" she asks.

"She's been coughing all day and then she just started coughing up blood," Parker says scared.

"It'll be fine. Wyatt will heal her." P.J says but Peyton wasn't sure who to though. Peyton tries to beg him not to heal her but Bianca beats her to it.

"Not if that's what I think it is," Bianca says quietly and then they go out of the room so Peyton can't hear them. It must be bad. she wants to know but she knows they won't tell her.

"Scarlet?" she calls weakly. "Wyatt where's Scarlet?" Scarlet won't lie to her. she tries to sit up but it makes her head spin so bad she falls onto the floor. what the hell? she was fine yesterday. her mind goes back to the book and the dust. She started getting a headache after breathing in all the dust.

"Chris, can you go get Scarlet?" Wyatt asks his brother who orbs out. A few minutes later he returns with a makeup-less Scarlet. huh, Peyton had never seen Scarlet without makeup. she's pretty"

"Hey, You doing okay?" she asks helping Peyton lie down on the couch.

"I don't feel so good..." Peyton answers taking a piece of Scarlet's hair. It's curly. Why was it curly?

"Chris orbed in before I could straighten it. He saw me in my underwear too. Now he feels guilty," she jokes. She was more of a kid than Peyton sometimes. Peyton asks Scarlet to stay. she didn't want to be alone, she knew even before knowing what was wrong that she wants someone with her. Scarlet promises and sits on the couch with Peyton's feet in her lap. Feeling safe with Scarlet Peyton falls asleep.


"Does someone want to tell me what's going on?" Scarlet asks once she's sure to Peyton's asleep and moves out of the living room, the normally bubbly teenager was weak and tired and burning up

"Lilith doesn't like getting her hands dirty so she attacks with this Bioweapon. I've seen it a few times over the years and that's exactly how it starts. They start coughing up blood, major fatigue, night terrors, they bleed out of the eyes and die, the longest anyone has fought it was 48 hours." Bianca says.

"But there's a cure right?" Scarlet responds.

"Not that I've seen. everyone who's ever gotten sick has died. If you try and use magic the process speeds up." Bianca answers.

"We'll find it P.J. I'll talk to the elders. Chris and Bianca can work their sources in the underworld." Wyatt promises the eldest cupid who was panicking.

"I need to do something!" she says exasperatedly.

"I have an idea but we need to talk to the Elders," Parker says and they beam away.

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