The past is catching up

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Going through paperwork with her Aunt Phoebe wasn't how Kat was planning to spend her day. She actually had a date with a boy from school but family comes first.

"sign here and you are no longer a missing person." Kat smiles pointing to the last bit of paperwork.

" You know what would be really useful a friend in the police force, or the government. What happened to all of them?" Tamara asks who also stayed back but only because she had nothing better to do.

"Well, Daryll almost died because of Chris so he's been mad at us for 22 years. Agent Murphy was abused by hulk versions of us. And the rest of them died." Phoebe answers.

"Huh. Pros of being friends charmed ones. Good thing you didn't go on that date, Kat." Tamara responds throwing a paper aeroplane at Kat.

"You had a date?" Phoebe asks.

"yeah. It's fine though. I didn't really know how to say no. He isn't really my type." She mumbles knowing how intense her aunt gets about the importance of love.

"Just don't let being charmed get in the way of falling in love. Or anything else. Like I'm missing my daughters first day of school because of this stupid paperwork. I still have to make an excuse as to where I've been for the last year and a half. What do I say? I was held prisoner by the mother of all demons until the daughter I didn't know I had killed her and set me free."

"just say you were locked in a dark room. Probably a basement and you never saw anyone's face because they had masks on. Vague but believable." Tamara suggests throwing a ball at the roof in boredom. The door is thrown open making Tamara jump and blow up a vase.

"Dammit P.J" she swears as said Witch comes in Pandora right behind her.

"P.J got a cute boys phone number." Dora states before saying hello to anyone.

"God, you're irritating. Hey Mom. Kat, Tammy. Where's Dad?" P.J greets kissing her mothers cheek.

"Work. What boy?" Phoebe responds.

"Carter Collins. He's 22 brown hair, brown eyes and cute in a boy next door dorky kinda way." Dora answers. "oh bad thought didn't Piper used to date the guy next door?"

"Dan. I wonder what happened to him?" Phoebe answers.

"Well, that's the same house Bianca and Scarlet live in. Bianca probably has the master bedroom which means two generations of Halliwells have had sex in the same room." Pandora finishes her bad thought.

"That's disgusting Pan." Tammy laughs.

"Back to the boy." Phoebe pushes.

"Nothing. He's Parker's roommates older brother. That's all there is." P.J says grabbing a glass of orange juice out of the fridge.

"Well, are you gonna call him?"

"I don't know."

"you should. When was the last time you went on a date that wasn't forced upon you?" Kat says.

"Scratch that when was the last time you got laid?" Pandora laughs and P.J throws an apple at her.

"Melinda called for you. Apparently, Scarlet's brother arrived. They're introducing him to everyone tomorrow. Apparently, he's cute." Tamara says looking through her phone. She's probably on Tumblr.

"What was his name again?" Phoebe asks

"Jett. Like Jett black. I guess their mom liked colours like you like P's." Kat answers poking Phoebe.

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