The power of nine.

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Scarlet woke up before noon which was a miracle in itself. Wyatt noticed that she also went to magic school with the others and was in the library the whole time. it was Wyatt's day off so he went with her. she hadn't put on any of the intense eyeliner she usually did and stole a t-shirt and jeans from Parker, she was focused so heavily on what she was reading that she didn't notice Wyatt staring at her. He wonders if this is what she was like when she was young and happy before she started running away. he walked over behind her.

"what are you reading?" Wyatt whispers in Scarlet's ear making her jump.

"I'm trying to figure out where they could be. If they were killed by a demon it would be boasting about killing the charmed ones. but Melinda's been down there, the underworld is silent. no one knows what's happening." she states.

"Melinda's been what?" Wyatt says annoyed at his little sister.

"Well, you weren't being helpful so she did it herself. have you noticed that all of your family is more awesome than you are?"

"We can't look into this, we aren't allowed." Wyatt ignored her comment.

"No you aren't allowed, I have no such orders. besides, I don't take orders, I barely take suggestions." Scarlet comments.

"Why?" Wyatt asks curiously as to why this girl who seems to hate him would help his family.

"a year ago my mother died, I don't know how or why. I just know that I love and miss her. Family is important so I'm going to do everything in my power to get yours back... I just hope they aren't as irritating as you." She responds and Wyatt smiles. Without the excess makeup and scary clothes, he notices that she was quite pretty. Her vibrant blue eyes had an intelligence behind them that made Wyatt feel. Well, he didn't know what it was but he liked it. Her dark hair and light eyes made her seem dangerous even without the aggressive makeup.

"Thank you, Scarlet." He says to her his face possibly a tiny bit too close to hers. For a second her eyes seem to flicker down to his lips but she's turned back towards her book before he can think anything of it. He decided he must have imagined it. Scarlet can't stand him. And he can't stand her. she's infuriating and loud and violent and excessive. She doesn't think before she acts and is morally lacking she dresses like a demon, a ridiculously sexy demon but still.

"It's all good. Anyway, I'm thinking it may not have been a demon, I think we need to talk to a psychic a proper one, not Parker. She's lovely but her visions aren't exactly useful if you need something specific. I read in your book of shadows about some gypsies?" She suggests and I frown.

"We can't ask any favours from the gypsies. They hate us." Wyatt answers.

"why?" She asks. I really don't want to tell her about the whole gypsy issue.

"It's a long story. We'll find another seer. But first, we need a family meeting." Wyatt says and calls his brother.


Wyatt called an emergency family meeting and made all nine of them fit into the attic. Nine near fully grown people in an attic filled with crap. This better is good. By the time Chris got there, Wyatt had arranged candles in a circle on the floor nine candlesticks. Are we doing magic? Chris guessed the ninth is for Scarlet. Wyatt and Scarlet were looking at the book of shadows and didn't notice Chris coming in. Scarlet was looking over Wyatt's shoulder as the book of shadows wouldn't let her touch it.  Slowly the others began to file in after Chris once they all arrived Wyatt began explaining.

"When Kat got hurt looking for our parents I was mad and I made an elder unlock our destinies. Afterwards, I was scared. I didn't want us to end up like our mothers. Our lives controlled by our destinies. So I didn't say anything. Our destinies were unlocked but inactivated. I was wrong to keep it from you guys and if a complete stranger who can't stand me is willing to endanger herself for us. I think we better take the risk. If you're all willing." Wyatt states and Chris is shocked. Wyatt didn't keep anything from Chris. He was mad for a split second but noticed Wyatt's face. He was looking at Kat, Kat who still had a scar from the demon that very nearly killed her. Wyatt's become the leader since their parents went missing and the responsibility was getting to him.

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