Big bad

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She shimmered back to the underworld but this time she was at Lilith's castle. Lilith was said to be the first demon by some. Others called her the mother of demons. Bianca called her a bitch. When she went crying to her mother she expected to be punished. But she was brought to Lilith who gave her an ultimatum. Destroy two Halliwells or she will destroy all Halliwells. She said she needed to destroy her weakness so she made sure only Chris and Parker were in the manor. Lilith hadn't known about Scarlet and Bianca didn't tell her. When Bianca went to prepare herself mentally for what she had to do when her mother grabbed her arm.

"If you don't kill him I will. And it won't be quick." She threatens and Bianca nods.

Now here she was. Back at the castle going to suffer a painful death when she tells Lilith that she failed.

"Bianca." The demon queen smiled sickly. Her eyes black. The body she had possessed was young and beautiful maybe 20 but the eyes were all Lilith.

"Are they dead?" Her mother asks.


"So you failed and yet you return alive?"



"Because. I needed to give something to my mother before I die." She says.

"Go on then. Say your goodbyes." Lilith says bored. Bianca opens the hand she had closed holding the Phoenix vanquishing potion Chris gave her.

"Goodbye, mother." She says and throws it before shimmering away.

They were making out behind the bleachers. This was the best night ever. Ben moned out Henry's name and he felt his heart explode in his chest. Of course, his phone ruined the moment. Since it was Parker's ringtone he knew it was important. She wouldn't interrupt anything unless there was no other choice.

"It's Parker." He smiles and answers the phone.

"Hey, Park I'm a bit busy." He says.

"Sorry, but your date needs to be cut short. Chris's girlfriend tried to kill us." Scarlet says on the phone.

"Scarlet? What do you mean."

"Parker's beaming over to get you. I'm just checking you aren't naked. Are you naked?"

"No. Unfortunately," Henry responds and is greeted by the pink glow of Parker beaming in.

"Hey Ben, Henry Bianca's an evil witch who may or may not want to kill us and we can't find Wyatt," Parker says.

"I go out for one night and everything goes to hell." He sighs and kisses Ben goodbye.

"Can I come. I might be able to help. No offence Park but my visions are a little bit more reliable than yours." Ben says and takes Henry's hand before they all beam to the manor.

"Henry! Hey Ben. Who's Lilith?" Scarlet asks without giving them a second glance. She was reading a book from magic school on demons. P.J was looking in the book of shadows. Kat and Tamara were scrying for something. Probably Wyatt and Peyton were looking for some more books from magic school.

"A myth. Like the boogeyman of demons." Henry answers.

"well apparently, Bianca was ordered to either kill Chris and Parker or this Lilith would kill all of you. She couldn't do it so we need to figure out how to fight this Lilith person. Oh and Wyatts missing." Scarlet says. Just as she says this Wyatt materializes in the sunroom.

"You'll never guess where I just was!" He says happily.

"my girlfriend tried to kill me," Chris answers not in the mood for Wyatts positivity.

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