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"Did I mention I hate this idea?"

"Numerous times. But logically if you go say goodbye we can all go home."

"magic isn't logical. It's emotional. I just hope plan b pans out." Scarlet says and rings the doorbell. When Sky Rivers opened the door both Wyatt and Scarlet just stand there not knowing what to say.

"you grew up beautiful. Scarlet! can you take your brother to school? I have visitors." a 17-year-old Scarlet goes past dressed to perfection in pastels and flowing dresses with a 12-year-old Jett not even looking at who was at the door. "now. Scarlet, did you want breakfast?" Sky asks gesturing for them to come in.

"how I mean, what?" Scarlet stumbles. Wyatt had never seen her at a loss for words.

"I dead aren't I? he found us." Skylar Rivers continued not phased.

"who, how do you?"

"I've always known about magic, well since I met your father. he told me all about the magical world and the things people can do." Sky answered one of the questions her daughter couldn't articulate.

"why did you say you were dead? how did you know?" Scarlet asks sadly.

"he cast a spell on you when we found out I was pregnant. your powers would lay dormant, still growing but dormant until my death. of course, it only worked on your active powers, you were still resistant to fire and had the ability to cast spells. I assumed since you are here, you have magic which means I'm dead. how long ago?"

"about a year and a half. do you know who it was?" 

"I have a pretty good idea. There was a warlock about 13 years ago he charmed his way into my life. The idea was to gain your trust then kill me so he could control you, control not kill. I found him out and ran. He's been looking for me ever since." Scarlet did the math. The only male Scarlet remembers from when she was five was Jett's father... oh.

"Jett's dad was a warlock?"

"Yes. I did everything I could to help him, I had a Phoenix strip his powers when he was born, I made you both watch shows with witches in them to teach him to love them. And he's fine. He is fine right?" Scarlet stayed silent. His temper, Adam.

"He is. He's here. We sent him with my sister to find us a way home. What was the warlocks name?" Wyatt asks seeing how Scarlet was struggling.

"Scarlet... his name was Blaze. But I knew him as Ashton"


"Should we be doing this? We aren't gonna tear a hole in the fabric of time?" Jett asks Melinda as she picks the lock on the manor door.

"We've gone back in time plenty of times before." Neither of the Halliwells bothered carrying keys because they always orbed in but their powers aren't working.

"Yeah, but you knew about those didn't you?"

"You aren't really in a position to be making decisions." She responds as the door finally comes loose. They sneak in and after checking no one was home walk upstairs.

"It's so weird to be back here. I mean Chris and Wyatt are sharing a room. They haven't done that since Wyatt was 17 and brought his first girlfriend home." Melinda comments.

"I just walked past a Bratz doll, it's weird for me too."  Someone orbs into the living room and they run to the attic.

"Piper see reason. If the children don't unlock their destinies the world isn't safe. I need you to listen." An unknown voice says.

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