Part 2: Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

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She was cold and wet but she was sleeping which was more than she'd been able to do in the last two months. She woke up and her headache was gone along with an injury she'd gotten from a bounty hunter and all evidence of the cold she had. There was also an envelope in her hand and a thick blanket over her body. Wyatt. He'd done this before. He had respected her wishes and hadn't tried to convince her to go back. Instead, he would heal her in her sleep and leave her food or money. She picks up the letter and opens it.

I know you asked me to leave you but I can't keep watching you hurt yourself. I know you're too stubborn to come back but Bianca still owns next door and she has three bedrooms. I've moved all of your stuff in there. I also want to invite you to Christmas dinner tomorrow night at 6. You don't have to come but know that you are always welcome.
With Love

She fails to hold back a smile and remembers the two times she kissed the whitelighter. She didn't mean anything by it the first time. He was being a romantic and she freaked but the second kiss. She was so relieved to see him and so scared and he... he was like her childhood fantasy. But she isn't a child and fantasies should stay in the past.


It was the first Christmas dinner she'd had without her sisters and Peyton.  she was worried. Both Chris and Henry had dates so she was playing the role of meeting the parents. Then there was Pandora.  She was definitely Phoebe's daughter. She had no doubts about that but Phoebe didn't know Pandora.

 Chris was cooking and there was enough to feed an army. The doorbell rings and in the chaos of setting up no one but Phoebe heard it. A dark-haired boy of twenty-something was at the door with a bouquet of flowers. 

"Mrs Halliwell. I'm Malcolm. I'm a friend of your daughters. I was just dropping off some presents. Are they here?" He asks politely.

"P.J, Pandora Parker. There's someone here to see you!" She calls out and Pandora comes running. P.J drags her feet having guessed who was at the door. Parker just seemed confused.

"Hey, Dora! Merry Christmas." The boy says hugging Pandora and then hands her a small box. She opens it and inside is an old black ring with a large ruby stone.

"Mal! You're the best I love it." Pandora squeals happily putting the ring on her pointer finger. What twentyish year old afford that? P.J arrived at the door and crossed her arms.

"Malcolm." She says coldly.

"P.J. Lovely flowers for a lovely lady." He says happily and bows in an exaggerated manner. There was a box from Tiffany's with the flowers as well.

"Thanks." She responds curtly taking them obviously waiting for him to leave. Who was this guy? obviously, a friend on Pandora's and he seemed to fancy P.J.

"And Parker, I thought this might be your thing." He handed her a book of legendary inhabitants of the underworld. "I'm not even sure if they all exist but better safe than sorry right."

"Thanks, Malcolm." Parker smiles holding the old leatherbound book.

"Mrs Halliwell. It is good to see you making an excellent recovery, now I'd best be off. I'd hate to intrude on your family dinner."

"No Mal you should stay! I know you don't have plans and Henry and Chris have dates." Pandora says excitedly. "Please, mom. Malcolm has been my best friend since I was a kid. He used to sneak me out to go up to the city." Pandora begs Phoebe who couldn't bring herself to say no.

"The more the merrier. Would you like to come on Malcolm?" Phoebe says.

"I would love to Mrs Halliwell. But Dora forgot to mention that I'm a vampire and I can only come in if I'm invited by someone who lives here and since the Dora is the only one who likes me. I'd best be going. Enjoy your evening ladies." He says and drives away in a classic muscle car, now the money made sense. He was immortal so he had hundreds of years to gain his wealth. 

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