
"Change into this little gown and I'll be right back."

I went behind the curtain and put the tiny gown on. I felt naked.

"D-D-Demi don't look at me."

"Why baby?"

"I just feel so... disgusting in this."

"You aren't disgusting. You're beautiful."

"I feel naked."

"Please just come out. I won't look."



The doctor came back in much too quickly.

"Hop up here sweetie."

I obeyed but I was shaking. I squeezed my legs closed. Demi sat by my head and held my hand, stroking my hair.

"Okay let's begin. Do you want to put your feet in the stirrups?"

I shakily obeyed. I was exposed now and I felt horrible. I felt like any second would bring horror.

"I'm going to begin by feeling around a little bit to check for any damage. Okay?"

I nodded.

I gripped Demi's hand harder as I felt the doctor touch.

At the initial touch my body jolted.

"Try to relax."

Demi put her head next to mine.

"Breathe baby listen to my breathing."

The touching. The prodding. The poking.

It was so painful. Not physically. The memories were stabbing. I physically felt like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I was stuck. Stuck in a state of feeling the pain and not being able to do anything.

I tried to groan but couldn't.

I felt Demi touch my cheek but I couldn't react.

I needed this to stop now.

My breathing quickened as I tried to alert someone that she needed to stop. I stared into Demi's eyes trying to show her my terror.

Suddenly I felt the doctor pull away.

"Cece? Can you hear me?" The doctor looked concerned.

"Um yes."

"I see you're struggling right now. Do you want to get down and take a break?"


"Do you want me to step out a minute?"


Demi interrupted. "Yes please."

I pulled my feet down and closed my legs tightly.

"Cece are you okay?"

"It hurts Demi." My face squinted as I tried to forget.

"The exam?"

"The memories."

"I know baby."

"Every time she touches me I remember something else. I don't want to remember."

"Remembering is going to heal you. How can I help you get through this?"

"Can you talk to me?"

"Of course. Let's finish this."

Demi brought the doctor back in and once again I exposed myself. She placed her fingers back in and this time I felt pressure, immediately sending me into another flashback.

I felt Demi grab my hand again then heard her voice.

"Cece you're right here. You're at the doctor and I'm right here. I'm Demi. Look around baby girl. See the tiles on the ceiling? Keep breathing baby. You're almost done."

I felt a little better although I was highly uncomfortable. It felt incredibly weird.

Suddenly the pressure turned to a sharp pain.


"The pain will be finished in one second I just need a little sample."

I panted in pain as Demi rubbed my stomach.

"Should this be hurting her this much?"

It's normal to feel a bit of pain during this part. One second. It may be intensified for her due to her situation."

I felt the pressure and pain leave and immediately yanked my legs closed.

"I'm going to go see the results of the tests and I'll be back."

The feelings of violation returned. I couldn't help but cry into Demi's arms.

"Shh baby it's okay."


This was really hard to write. I strongly considered not publishing it but I'm just going to do it and get on with the next happier parts of the story. Don't worry, there are happier parts coming soon.

Troubled: A Demi Lovato FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now