Chapter 52

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I arrive at work the following morning with the hangover from hell and the strongest coffee I could possibly order. I immediately see that Helen is waiting for me in my office and she has a face like thunder.

"Morning Lizzie. Can I have a word?" She says in a formal tone. Shit, what the hell has happened now I think to myself with a groan.

"Just let me log on to the system as I'm expecting an email, then I'll be straight in to see you." I lie while I plaster a false smile on my face. She nods at me and heads towards her office.

Really, I need some paracetamol and to drink this coffee before I have the stomach to face anymore drama. Clearly from the look on her face something is going on. I sit at my desk and log on, but take some pain killers and drain my coffee in the process.

Five minutes later I feel like something is starting to kick in, but it may just be the adrenaline. I quickly check my emails and then head towards Helen's office.

She can see me approach though the glass and attempts to smile at me when we make eye contact. My stomach is in knots and I'm not sure if it's the copious amount of wine, the 3am pizza, the gallon of caffeine I've just consumed or the dread of whatever news I have to face this morning. Either way, I need to grow some lady balls and face the music.

I knock the door, take a deep breath and enter her office .

"Is everything OK Helen?" I ask, sounding more confident than I feel.

"Take a seat Lizzie, there are a couple of things I want to talk to you about."

I sit down without saying a word.

"I met with Martin and David a few days ago following the meeting last week. I obviously left out the majority of that vile bastard's history, but I did let them know that he was a wife beating piece of shit. I also informed them that Ed has been stalking you since he found you again a few months ago." She takes a moment to sip her tea, giving me time to process what she is saying.

I feel the nausea rise up in my throat, Jesus it's hot in here. I take off my jacket and try to think clearly. "What else did you tell them?" I can hear my voice quiver when I speak wondering how much of my sordid past these strangers are aware of.

"Oh Lizzie, nothing. I swear. David informed me that they have only known Ed for around twelve months and that they have only recently gone into business with him. Ed is the one who recommended us, said the company just had to use us. Ed said he had heard wonderful things about you and was relentless in his persuasion of the other directors." She pauses again. "They had no idea who you were or that you were Ed's ex-wife."

"I believe that Helen, Ed wouldn't want them knowing about me." I laugh bitterly.

"Well, they assured me that they would not be willing to continue with a man like Ed. Luckily he hasn't invested in the company just yet, so they wanted to act quickly. I met with Martin again yesterday and he has informed me that they have sacked Ed. However, they were very impressed with your pitch last week and want to instruct us to go ahead with the campaign." Helen beams at me and I let out a relieved laugh.

"That's amazing news Helen. So why did you look so serious when I came in?"

"Well, that's the thing. Apparently he didn't take the news very well. They firmly let Ed know that they would not be associated with a man like him. I will just say it as Martin put it ... Ed let his perfect mask fall just for a second when he was so angry during the meeting yesterday and they saw a glimpse of the man behind. They didn't like what they saw. We agreed that I should tell you because he is clearly unstable." Helen looks at me with concern.

Understatement of the year I think. "I know what he is. He will be livid that he has lost his little game. He either thought that I would fall apart during the presentation and that he would look like the hero fighting our corner to appoint us, or I would just about stumble through it. He didn't expect me to do so well. Either way though, Ed's plan was that he and I would be working together!"

"Well his plan has definitely back fired. Ed manipulated the directors into allowing us to pitch for them. But we have landed the most lucrative campaign in the company's history and Ed has been sacked and humiliated."

"Ha, you're right. This is brilliant news." I go to stand up to leave the office.

"There is something else..."

Oh shit. I take my seat again.

"Daniel has called the office a few times."

"He's what? When?" I had no idea he had tried to make contact with me at work so I don't do a very good job of steadying my voice or hiding my emotions.

"He's tried to be put through to you several times, but I've managed to intercept the call. Then a couple of days ago he called and asked to speak to me."

I just stare at her with wide eyes, unable to elicit a response.

"Daniel said that you had blocked his number so he couldn't contact you any other way. I may have given him a piece of my mind and told him that if you blocked his number then maybe you don't want to speak with him. Now... between us, him calling has no impact on work, but I told him that these wasted calls have a negative effect on the business. I asked him not to call again and he hasn't. I just wanted to let you know. I hope I haven't overstepped the mark."

"No, you haven't. Thank you for doing that. I'm so sorry that all my personal drama is effecting the business." I'm mortified that Helen is having to deal with all of my mess at work.

"Don't be silly. You are an integral part of this business and more importantly, my friend. Now, go and work on that new campaign you have just landed. There is lots to do." She winks at me and I take the opportunity to leave.

Just as I reach the door I hear her speak again.

"Lizzie, you will have to deal with Daniel sooner or later. But I just want you to know that I think it may not be the beginning of the end for you two, but perhaps just the end of the beginning."

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