Mello moved out at the age of 18 and never looked back. As far as he knew his family was his friends but they were more like his brothers. Loyalty meant everything to Mello and his brothers were the only family he had. Once he got down with Cash he's been making 3 times as much money he was brining in. He was definitely at the top and only 18

Not knowing where to start cash spoke first.

"Listen man, I don't think it's best you meet Payton right now. It's been how many years and yo old ass just magically appear. The last family she got close to ended up fucking her over and it wasn't no coming back from that"

"If you think she's going to accept yo ass with opened arms you got another thing coming" cash clinched his jaws becoming angry.

This nigga got the audacity to even show his face cash thought.

"Ain't no more room for fuck ups in our lives and yes I'm speaking for us both" cash spoke sternly.

"Payton is pregnant with my seed and I'll do anything to protect my family.. shit you probably don't know what it means to be a family man do you" he quizzed.

Ivan's eyes lit up with joy throwing cash completely off.

"So ima bout to be a grand daddy" Ivan gripped the steering wheel of his Bentley truck he was filled with excitement.

"Why the fuck you so happy.. you was about to be a daddy and you disappeared". Cash was confused.

"Listen, I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get another chance with my daughter, she can't get back all those years I missed but I can damn sure make up for them." Ivan shook his head in disappointment thinking of his past lover Jolene.

"Look I'll tell you this.." cash paused for a moment and placed his hands in his pockets while leaning towards the truck window.

"I'll talk to Payton first and see where her head is at. She's not to fond with new faces"

Ivan begin to wonder what exactly been going on while he's been absent in her life.

"Have you seen Jolene?"'Ivan asked out of curiosity.

Cash begin to clinch his jaw after hearing that name but he was so smooth about it he held his composure very well.

"No" Cash simply said.

Ivan shook his head in disgust.

After all these years his young sweet heart he grown to love still didn't have her shit together. He didn't have a clue that she was dead and gone.

"Look we don't gotta get in to all that."

Cash begin to think about the brutal events that took place some months back.

*Flash back*

After cash brought Payton home they both showered together not wanting to leave one another's side. Once Payton was comfortable in bed Cash would handle unfinished business.

It's fucked up that he had to kill his girlfriend and soon to be wife's mother but Cash knew there was no sympathy in this lifestyle. It is what it is.

Cash was all set on motherfuckers who crossed him under any circumstances. Loyalty meant everything to him and Jojo failed the test tremendously.

Cash didn't want to wake Payton so he laid with her for another hour just to make sure she was fully sleep. Time had passed by and Cash called up Rocko so he could take that ride with him.

Cash sported an all black nike tech. He was almost camouflage blending perfectly in with the dark night sky.

The tints on his car made it impossible to see inside of it.

Trifling Bitch (An Urban Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin