14. The Little Girl

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Justin and I had combined our graduation parties in my backyard. It was fun. Getting to meet more of Justin's family that I hadn't met yet was amazing. They were all so nice and thankfully my family was on their best behavior. Grams and Papa were here for graduation and they were so happy for me to have graduated. They even proved my mom wrong when they were completely supportive of my pregnancy. Neither of them could wait to meet Destiny.

I was sitting in the corner of the yard with Justin as we watched everybody have fun and look around at all of the pictures and posters and rewards that Justin and I had each gotten throughout our lives. It was like a big two-person time capsule. "This is amazing." I said. "I wonder if we'll have this feeling when we meet our little girl."

"What feeling?" Justin asked.

"Stillness. Excitement. Happiness." I looked at him. "The feeling of knowing that this was meant to be. I love you so much. I can't wait to be your wife and parents to our daughter. I want her to have a great life."

"She will. She'll have the best life. I promise." he said.

My dad walked up to us and I looked up at him before looking away. "Listen, I know you and I have been on rocks lately and that's not how I pictured our relationship turning out but can we talk? Just for a minute?" he asked.

I nodded and followed him inside. We sat down on the couch and I kept looking at my hands. Things between my father and I never used to be this awkward and I didn't know how our father-daughter relationship could ever get repaired at this point but he is my dad and I do owe it to him to hear what he has to say.

"Dahlia, I know I haven't been very supportive like I should be and I've been pushing you away. It's been killing me to think what I'm doing to us and to this family. But I guess part of the reason why this is so hard is because you're my little girl. You're my first born and you changed my life. You don't know how much you changed my life. Before you were born I was a bit of a rebel. I was always out partying with my friends and drinking and doing stupid stuff and then when you were born everything changed for me. I looked into your little eyes and you were looking back at me and my heart just fluttered and it stopped and I realized that everything I ever wanted; the love I always wanted to feel and share, was in my hands." he said. I looked up at him. "When Justin gave his speech, I realized that it wasn't the first time I had heard something like that. Someone saying that you changed their life for the better. And I knew it was true. It's like that speech took me back to the moment you were born and I felt that all over again. I guess I just needed to be reminded of that and I'm glad Justin reminded me of it. I'm glad you have him in your life because you are a special girl. You are a special individual and you are a special daughter. And in just a few weeks, you're gonna have a daughter of your own and I can only hope that you feel the way I felt when I looked at you for the first time. I hope you can look at your daughter and be proud of the person looking back at you." I felt tears in my eyes as my dad continued talking. This was the first time my dad and I had talked like this in almost a year. "I am very proud of you Dahlia. What you have become. The woman you have turned into. The mother you're gonna be. The pride in my heart has never left. And, I mean, yeah, it's not the ideal situation and it's not what I wanted your life to be but I already lived my life and it's not right for me to tell you how to live yours. I can only guide you and I'm sorry I couldn't admit that earlier. I'm sorry I couldn't show you the love you needed from me during this whole thing. But I do love you. That has never changed. Not once. I will always love you, Dahlia. You're my little flower. And I hope you can forgive me for the way I've acted towards you and Justin."

I wiped the tears from my eyes and sent a small smile his way. "I do. I forgive you." I said. "You're my dad and I love you."

"I love you too princess. I really do." He pulled me into him and held me there in a comforting way. My dad had just repaired everything wrong just now and I realized that this day just kept getting better and better. What was next?

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