5. Three Is A Crowd

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I was sitting in my living room watching a movie and texting Justin. We'd agreed not to spend every single day with each other because that would just bring down the desire to be with each other so today was a day we were spending apart. Justin was out with his friends, what friends he had left. Apparently Ryan and Chaz didn't like the fact that Justin wasn't the bad boy anymore and stepped away from him. It made me feel bad because I knew it was because of me.

I was looking at my phone and smiling. Justin had just texted me I can't stop thinking about u. I miss u xx. I couldn't get over just how sweet he'd become. I decided to text back. Let's hang out 2morrow. I want 2 see ur perfect face!xx Once I hit send I noticed someone sitting beside me. My dad.

"Who is he?" my dad asked with his eyebrows raised and a smile on his face.

"What?" I asked setting my phone down. 

"The boy that's got you all star gazed. Who is he? Is it Justin?"

"Yeah." I said.

"My daughter and our neighbor. I don't know how this could get any less perfect. Now I can know everything." he said.

"Dad, please don't spy on me. I'm not a little girl." I told him.

"That's where you're wrong. You'll always be a little girl to me. My little girl." he said as he put his arm around me. I smiled up at him. "When do we get to meet him officially?"

"You guys did." I said. "The night he took me to prom." I wanted to forget that night but it was impossible.

"Not what I meant, though. I wanna know where he's from. What are his plans after high school. How he treats a lady. I want to know all of that stuff. It's what dad's live for."

"Yeah right." I said. "Don't worry dad. I'll always be your little flower. Nothing's gonna change that." The door bell sounded and I looked at it.

"You go ahead and get that. I got some stuff I need to finish up in the garage." my dad said before exiting through the kitchen.

I got up from my spot on the couch and answered the door. "Brady?" I asked when I saw who was standing there. My ex-boyfriend from Texas. What was he doing here? I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you." he said with his hands in his pocket.

"Why?" I asked cautiously.

"Because I missed you. I thought we could talk about how things ended between us. I didn't like how it went down. I just didn't know how to handle you moving away." he said.

"Brady?" My dad asked as he walked over to me. That was a short trip in the garage.

"Hi Mr. Ramirez." Brady said.

"How are you doing son?" my dad asked as he hugged Brady.

"Good. A little lonely these days but, I'm pulling through." Brady said looking at me. I looked at the ground.

"Well come on in here boy. Chat with me for a little bit." My dad pulled Brady inside and I walked outside before I sat down on the my front steps.

Justin pulled in his driveway and got out before smiling at me. I smiled at him and bit my lip. I didn't know why I always got butterflies when I saw him. I get so nervous around him. I mean, we're neighbors for god's sake.

He walked over and sat down beside me. "Hey pretty girl." he said. "What are you doing outside?"

"It's a nice day out." I said and then sighed. "And I'm trying to avoid my dad and my ex boyfriend who decided to just show up out of the blue."

The Bad Boy (Justin Bieber FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora