1. Dahlia Nicole Ramirez

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I've had so many memories at my high school and it sucked having to leave it. My dad got a new job as an Architect in Southern California so we were moving effective immediately as he put it. My mom could work from anywhere. She was a clothing designer for this big corporation and her company was based out of California so it just worked out perfectly. Not for me though. I was gonna miss my friends. My life. My boyfriend. Well, ex boyfriend now. He wanted to break up after he learned that I was moving because the distance between us would be too far and his parents would never let him go anywhere so he wondered why there was any point to continuing on with our relationship. There really wasn't but it still hurt to know that we would never have as much fun as we used to.

My dad had insisted on driving from Texas to California which was kind of a long car ride but my little sister Jenna loved the idea. She loved seeing the Grand Canyon. All of the historical places between Texas and California and I guess it was fun. I was just being stubborn because I missed my friends already. My mom, Miranda and my dad John, hadn't ever taken us girls on a trip and that's what Jenna was calling this. A trip. I looked at it as a one way ticket to hell.

Long Beach, California was not what I expected. It was definitely warm and everything looked pretty high class for the most part except maybe a few run down houses. I kept looking out the window as we pulled into a small neighborhood that had lots of trees lining the sidewalks and very upscale houses. Dad pulled the car into the driveway of a two story house that was actually really nice but I would never show them that.

I opened my door and got out taking a look around. "Come on my little flower. Cheer up. It's not that bad. You'll see." My dad said putting his around my shoulders. "You're gonna make friends in no time." He walked inside with my mom and sister while I stayed outside by the car and just got a feel for the place. It was quiet. Really quiet. Except the house next door. They were playing some really loud music and yelling. Party central was my first thought. In Texas our neighborhood was exceptionally quiet and I liked that. This, not so much. I don't know how I was ever gonna be able to live next door to a bunch of party animals.

The door to the house I was looking at opened and three guys walked out with skateboards. One guy who was a brunette and some funky hairdo wearing red skinny jeans that hung below his butt was screaming at the top of his lungs. Another guy I didn't get a good look at because he was on the other side of funky hairdo guy and the last guy I found myself sort of staring at. He had blonde hair that was kind of long and hung to the side of his head. He had tattoos up and down his arms and was wearing white skinny jeans that, again, hung down past his butt and a black tank top that showed off his tattoos quite well.

"Dude, check it out. You got a girl next door." the brunette said to the blonde catching his attention.

My mouth dropped open just a little but I couldn't look away as the blonde looked over at me. He stopped what he was doing on his phone and smiled. I couldn't tell if it was because he was glad to have a new neighbor or because he found somebody that he could keep up with his loud music.

"You want an autograph?" the blonde asked. "Or maybe you could autograph me instead." He pulled his shirt up revealing his nicely toned chest and stomach and I chuckled shaking my head. "What's the matter? You can't talk?"

"I don't talk to losers." I said before turning and walking into my house.



The girl who must be my new neighbor just called me a loser? What the hell was wrong with this girl? Although I had to say she was good looking. She had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen in my life but she also had this good girl vibe to her mixed with a stuck up attitude. I could definitely do something with her.

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