3. Get To Know You

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The past week had been pretty cool. Justin and I hung out when we were home and in school we talked a little bit but I was also trying not to change him too drastically. If he wanted to keep his bad boy image in school then I would let him, as long as he was letting me see the real him. It was hard for him and I understood that. Letting people know who you really are isn't something that you want to just dive into over night. But he had been great about letting me see who he really was. I mean, we're neighbors. I was gonna figure it out sooner or later.

I was outback sitting next to the pool we had and Justin was sitting next to me. "So, what about your dad?" I asked him. We've been talking about our families today. Where they come from, who they are. It was steps in getting to know each other.

"I haven't seen my dad in a long time. He walked out on me and my mom when I was a baby and he's only checked in a couple times over my life." Justin said.

"That's terrible." I said.

"Yeah. But it just makes me realize how special my mom is, you know? Like she's the only person I have in my life. She does a lot for me." he said.

"Yeah." I said. I put my sunglasses on top of my head. "I can't imagine being a single mom. I don't think I could do it."

"I think you could. You seem like a strong person and it takes a strong person to do that kind of stuff." he told me. He smiled at me and I returned it. "So, what do you think of me so far? I've been completely honest with you, which is something I'm not used to. You change your mind about me?"

I looked at him and smiled. "Yeah. You're not the guy I thought you were."

"See. I told you I could change your mind." he said.

"Don't start getting cocky again." I said. I looked out at the water. Getting to know a little bit about Justin makes me realize just how much I'm attracted to him. He's a really good guy underneath his facade and I think he was getting to the point that he wouldn't have to hide who he was but if I were gonna be with somebody like that I would want him to be able to show our relationship off everywhere. I wouldn't want him to hide it or pretend like he doesn't care when he does. That's where I'm at with him right now.

"So, there's a bonfire tomorrow night. It's sort of something to kick off Prom week. You gonna go?" he asked.

"I hadn't thought about it." I said. "I'm not sure that I'll even go to prom."

"Why not?"

"Because I have nobody to go with." I said. "I haven't been here that long. Nobody's really gotten to know me except you and Hannah."

"Oh. Well maybe I can ask one of the guys to take you." he said.

"No. That's okay." I said. "I'm not really that interested in going anyway." That was a lie. I wanted to go. It was my first prom here. I would be missing out completely if I didn't go.



Dahlia looked down at the ground and I knew she was lying. She totally wanted to go to prom but she was trying to play it cool. It wasn't right that nobody had asked her. She was a sweet and cool girl. She had to go to prom. I would just take her anyway. I will take her. I'll be the one she dances with and arrives with. This girl was going and I was gonna make sure of it.

Later in the day, Hannah had come to pick Dahlia up so they could go to a movie and I figured that now was my shot to make sure everything went smoothly the day of prom. I walked across the lawn and up to Dahlia's front door before knocking on it. A woman answered. She looked a lot like Dahlia but with lighter hair and older. "Can I help you?" she asked.

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