11. Starting To Show

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It's been a couple weeks since we've been at the doctor's office. I was glad we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. I was even happier that Justin was excited for it. This baby was bringing Justin and I closer together and I didn't even know that was possible.

I walked out of the house in the morning, completely dressed for school. I was starting to show a little bit and I liked it. A little baby bump to show that our little nugget was growing perfectly. I was so excited and I wanted to show Justin. I walked over to his house and right in the front door. I mean, he said I was welcome over there any time and I was having his baby so he didn't think I needed to knock anymore. His house was like my second home.

Justin was in his room getting dressed for school. He had just put a shirt on when I walked in. "Hey." I said.

He turned around and smiled at me. "Hey pretty girl. What are you doing over here so early? You're never ready this early." he said.

"Yeah, well I started showing this morning and I'm so excited. I wanted to show you before we get to school." I said.

He chuckled. "Show me." he said. I lifted my shirt a little and turned to the side. "Oh. Yeah. Look at that. You have a little pooch going on." He got down on his knees and put his hands on my baby bump with a smile. "Hey baby. Daddy's here. I love you so much and I can't wait to meet you. Take your time though." he said.

"You're such a dork." I chuckled. "I am pretty excited to meet him."

"Him?" he asked as he stood up. "No. It's gonna be a girl and she's gonna be a daddy's girl."

"You think so?" I asked. "Come on. We're gonna be late for school."


I sat in the chair between my mom and Justin as we waited for the doctor to call us back. We had another checkup to see how the baby's doing and I couldn't wait. I did the math in my head and realized that I would be delivering this baby right after graduation. Hopefully I make it that long. I know a lot of mothers deliver early and some deliver late. That What To Expect When You're Expecting book has been pretty educational so far. I've been reading a lot of it lately.

"Dahlia Ramirez?" the doctor called.

Justin, my mom and I got up and followed the doctor back to a room and got started on everything. Listening to the heartbeat, talking about how I'm feeling so far in the pregnancy and what's still to come as I progress in my pregnancy and then we were done. It was pointless to go in to the doctor's office for just a five minute appointment but I loved listening to my baby's heartbeat. It was like a calming sensation ran through me every time.


I've reached the part of my pregnancy where we can find out the gender of the baby. I couldn't wait. I was so excited to see what I was carrying. If it was a boy or a girl. Justin and I had taken a bet on what it was. He wanted a little girl and I wanted a boy. But whatever gender our baby is, it doesn't matter as long as the baby is healthy.

Justin and I sat in the waiting area of the clinic. My mom had allowed us to go by ourselves today because it was a big ultrasound and she figured it should just be between me and Justin anyway. She'd become very involved in all of this and I was happy to have her by my side through everything. My mom was literally my best friend. I couldn't picture anybody else, besides Justin, that I would want to go through this with me.

At this point in the pregnancy, I was really popping. Like I looked like I had a mid-sized balloon in my tummy. I wasn't huge but I was pretty big that you could notice through anything that I wear. Our baby was already starting to kick and I loved feeling it. Justin got so excited the first time he felt the baby move and kick. The smile on his face was priceless.

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