9. Happy Little Family?

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It was quiet. So quiet. I just told Justin that he's a father and he's said nothing to me for a whole five minutes. He just stared at me with pure shock written all over his face. I just ruined everything. I had to fix this.

"I think I want an abortion." I told him quietly. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"An abortion?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said. "I don't wanna have a baby right now. I mean, first of all, we're too young and second of all, you and I aren't even married. We're not even in a good place for this. We've only been together for nearly seven months. We just said that we love each other and that was only a couple weeks ago. Justin, I'm not ready for this. We're not ready for this. And more important than that, I don't wanna lose you." I cried.

He snapped out of his shock and grabbed my hands in his. "Hey, now slow down. Who said you're gonna lose me?" he asked.

"I just don't want you to leave me because of this. I mean, I already tried to have the abortion but I couldn't. Not until I talked to you first." I said.

"Wait. So the thing you said you had to do, it was just to go get an abortion? The brown paper bag, that was a pregnancy test wasn't it?" he asked. I nodded. "Oh my god. You were gonna do all of this behind my back, weren't you?"

"I thought it would have been better if you didn't know. I thought if I just took care of it then the issue would go away. I thought I'd feel less guilty if I wasn't pregnant anymore. But then I got in the room and was about to set up for it and I just felt more guilt than I ever have in my life. Justin, I can't do this. I can't be a mom in high school. Do you understand how fast this baby could ruin both our lives?" I asked.

"Wait just a minute." he said. He was getting angry. "This baby would not ruin our lives. I mean, sure it's way too soon and I mean, it would be great if you weren't pregnant but guess what, you are. And now we just have to deal with that." He sat back down on the bed and took my hands in his, once again. "Listen, I know it's not what either of us wanted right now. Hell, I can't even picture myself being a father. I don't know the first thing about babies, but you know what? I do know that I love you and if you give this a chance, we can get through this together."

"And what about college?" I asked.

"We'll figure that out. Look, all I know is that something inside of me is telling me that we need to keep this baby. Sure, it won't be easy, but we can do this. You and me. We can be great parents to this baby. I know we can." he said.

"You really wanna have a baby in high school?" I asked. I was a little angry that he was so persistent on keeping this baby when we were still so young. We had so much more to do in life. So much that we both wanted to do with our own lives. A baby would just complicate things. A baby would only make our dreams impossible.

"I know it's not the ideal situation and I do wish we were older and married but, sometimes life has other plans." he said. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll help you through this. I want to."

"Justin, I don't know if I can. I don't know if I can have this baby." I said.

"You can. We can. Look, at the end of the day, I can't make you have a baby you don't want. But I want this baby. I do. And I want us to be a family." he said. "If you need a few days to think about it, you do that. But I'm gonna be right here every step of the way. I promise you."

More tears fell from my eyes. I mean, obviously I didn't go through with the abortion so that must mean something. I don't want to have a baby in high school but maybe Justin's right. Maybe we did need to keep this baby. Maybe the fact that I backed out of the abortion proved that I did want this baby on some level. Maybe Justin and I could make great parents to this baby somehow. It wasn't gonna be easy. I knew that. But I did take care of my little sister in that motherly way. Maybe I could do this. Maybe we could do this. Together.

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