15. Crashing Down

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I sat in the chair next to Justin as we waited to be called back. We've been at the hospital for about thirty minutes now and they weren't even ready for us. How could that possibly be? We had to drive an hour just to get here. It was ridiculous.

"I don't think I can wait another minute." I said starting to doze off. Sleep was starting to take over my body and I just wanted to get this all over with so I can see my baby and go to sleep.

"I know. Hopefully it'll be soon." Justin said in a soothing voice.

"Dahlia Ramirez?" the doctor called. Thank god, finally!

Justin helped me stand up and we followed the doctor to a room that was completely set up to have a baby. I couldn't help the smile on my face. Tonight was the night I was going to meet the little girl living inside me. It was the night Justin and I would officially become a three-person family.

The nurses got me hooked up to the machines after I changed into a hospital gown. My parents walked through the door with Justin's mom and they all smiled at me and Justin. My mom was at my side in an instant. She couldn't wait for this. Neither could Justin's mom. Neither could I.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" my mom asked as she rubbed my head.

"Tired but excited." I said.

"Well, just rest easy." she said.

The doctor came in and had a worried look on her face. "Hi Dahlia. Um, would you like for everybody to step out for a minute or do you mind if we talk with them present?" she asked.

"I don't mind. What's with the look?" I asked. Justin came to my side and grabbed my hand in his as we both watched the doctor.

"The monitors we have you hooked up to, they aren't picking up the baby's heartbeat." she said.

"Okay, so are they in the wrong place? Maybe the baby moved around and they just aren't positioned right." I said.

She shook her head. "I'm afraid the baby has passed away. And we don't know how long she's been like that but there's nothing we can do at this point. We have to deliver the baby either way and make arrangements but I'm afraid the baby is gone." she said.

I stared at her. My baby? My baby was gone? Dead? Dead inside me at this very moment? I was trying so hard to hold it all together until I looked at my mom who had tears in her eyes and my dad comforting her. That's when I broke. "No. No. Not my baby. Please, not my baby." I cried. Justin put his arm around me and held me in his arms while I cried.

"I'll be back here soon to prep you for delivery." the doctor said before walking out.

I put my hand on my stomach and just cried. My baby, Justin's baby was dead. What happened? Why did she die? Did I do something? Did I kill her somehow? Did me and Justin kill her by having sex last night? What caused this? These questions were swirling in my head and I couldn't take it. I gripped onto Justin and just bawled. I think he was crying too because I heard him sniffle and his chest rise and fall quickly.


The doctors prepped me for vaginal delivery and my family stepped out with Justin's mom leaving me and Justin in the room alone. I felt numb. I felt like my whole world had just come crashing down on top of me. Everything I ever believed in just disappeared leaving a cold, empty hole inside me that left me numb.

When the doctors told me to push, I pushed. Justin was right by my side the whole time but this was not easy. I was going through all of this pain for a baby that was dead. And who knows how long she had been dead. The point was that she's gone and there's nothing that would bring her back.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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